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Friday, July 27, 2012

Honk, Honk!

Some of you may have heard this before, but it is worth reading again periodically.  Over the years, I have read or heard it numerous times, and am uplifted and encouraged by it every time.

Depending upon where you live, you may have seen geese flying overhead, flying south for the winter.  They always fly in a “V” formation.  Scientists have researched this and learned why they do this.

They have discovered that as each bird flaps its wings, it creates uplift for the bird right behind it.  When they fly in the “V” formation, the entire flock adds over 70% greater flying range than if each bird flew by itself.

When the lead goose gets tired and slows down, it then eases itself to the back of the flock, taking advantage of the uplift of the other birds.  At the same time, another goose replaces the tired one in the lead position.
If one goose falls out of formation, it realizes quickly that the drag and resistance of flying alone is exhausting.  So, it quickly returns to the formation.
The geese in the back of the flock honk almost continuously to encourage those in front to keep up their speed.  When one goose becomes ill or is wounded and falls out of the formation, two other geese will fall out of formation as well and follow it down to help and protect it.  The two geese stay with the ailing goose until it is once again able to fly or until it dies.  Then they take off on their own or join another formation to catch up with their original flock.
The behavior of the Geese can teach us valuable lessons.  No matter how great your talent, it is multiplied when we work closely with others and use their talents as well. 
We must be willing to help others grow and achieve in order to reach our own goals.  When we share a common purpose, a vision, we can reach those goals more efficiently and faster than if we were working alone.  As your team grows, their success will give you a boost and help you to accomplish even more.
Working as a unit, lifting and encouraging one another helps each individual as well as the team.  Like the geese, when we share the load, utilizing the skills and abilities of each team member, everyone benefits.
In order to reach your goals, would you prefer to be a lone wolf or one of the many geese in a flock?

To learn more about Julie Klein, visit:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mentoring vs Corp/Website Training

I am a Mentor and Team Leader.  I am not in business to build an enormous team of people I do not know and who do not know me. 

I was with other companies prior to joining my current business.  With them, I might just as well have had no sponsor, because I had virtually no contact with them. When I called my sponsor in my previous company, I would get a “rah-rah” speech.  I NEVER received any training whatsoever, and surprise, I was not successful.

There may be many people out there in the industry who simply want to grow a huge team and earn money.  That is fine for them.  I am not one of those people.  Don’t get me wrong… I have one of the largest teams in my company, but I do not have thousands of team members.  I do not WANT thousands of team members.  Sure, I’d have an amazing income if I did, but I would not enjoy my work nearly as much as I do now.

New team members, in particular, usually want support, not just answers to questions.  They want to know that there is someone willing to help them build their business.  I love mentoring my team members.  I like that they call, Skype and email me to ask for help, and I am happy to provide it.  I have come to know many of my team members well, and a few have become close friends. 

There are companies whose “back office” websites are the place where their representatives acquire all their training.  Some also offer corporate webinars or calls.  My company has an amazing, comprehensive high-tech back office.  Most of our Affiliates could learn everything they want to know about the business using our back office. 

However, I do not want my team members spending weeks in the back office learning everything they need to know before they begin actually working their business.  I suggest that my team members explore their back office so they will know where to find everything whenever they need it, and then get out there and start growing a business!

I frequently get calls from team members asking me, “Where can I find …?”  I could tell them that it is in their back office, and let them spend 20-30 minutes trying to locate what they are seeking… OR, I can tell them where to find it in 30 seconds and let them spend that 20-30 minutes working instead.

I have been told I spend too much time mentoring my team members, that I should just direct them to their back office since everything they need to know is there.  While it is true that I could do that, I have a pretty successful, active, working team, BECAUSE I spend “too much time” with my team members.  My team members are people to me, not numbers.  No, I’ll never have a team of 10,000, and that is just fine with me.

To learn more about Julie Klein and her team, visit

Monday, July 23, 2012

Are You Lacking Motivation?

You may be new to the home-business world, or you may have been working from home from years.  Either way, in order to build and maintain a successful home business, you must stay motivated.   Virtually every business – both brick and mortar and home businesses – have “down” times where growth slows down or income takes a dip.   If you aren’t completely committed to your business and motivated to succeed, it will be very difficult to ride out the tough times.

There are a few ways to remain motivated – and even excited – about your work at home business.

Daily Agenda.  A daily, weekly and even monthly “to-do” list of tasks can be a powerful tool that can help you accomplish what needs to be done in a timely manner.  These lists are different from goals.  They should contain individual job functions, prioritized so you will complete the most important first.  I one or two of your tasks are ones you particularly dislike doing, if possible, list them first.  Once you have completed those that you dread, you won’t have to think about them the rest of the day enabling you to focus more on those tasks that you don’t mind doing or actually enjoy. 

Your list can consist of phone calls to prospects or team members, placing online or offline ads, participating in forums, even writing your daily or weekly blog.  You may place organizing your desk on your weekly list or following up with old prospects on your monthly list. 

When you are able to check off or cross off completed items on your list, it can provide you with a sense of accomplishment, motivating you to move on to the next item.

Expand Your Marketing Methods.  Don’t settle.  Because you are generating leads from the various methods of marketing you have been using, don’t think that is all you can or should do.   There are hundreds – even thousands - of top marketers who write books, offer webinars or simply share their knowledge and experience with others in the industry.   It is a good idea to learn what you can from those who are very successful in Internet marketing.  I have seen people who are constantly studying from “the experts,” and I personally believe you can overdo it.  Be sure you are not studying more than you area actually applying what you have learned.

Be sure to track the results of your various marketing techniques.  You do not want to continue using those that bring no return.

Networking.  Another way to maintain motivation and excitement about your business, during good times and bad, is by networking with others in your industry or related fields.   You can exchange advice and encouragement about how to promote and operate your business.

Because working at home isolates you from the public, at-home workers can become lonely at times.  By connecting with people who also work from home both on and offline, you will find an outlet for those lonely times.  There are myriad ways online to find like-minded business and personal connections.  However, some people forget about face-to-face networking.  Nearly every city has business networking groups, Chambers of Commerce, Women-in-Business groups, etc.  Search online to find them in your neighborhood, and attend their functions to meet others and share local business ideas.

Any time you feel you are losing the excitement you had for your business, doubting your abilities or feeling less motivated, review these ideas to see whether one or more of them can give you the boost you need to get back on track.

To learn more about Julie Klein and her home-based business, visit

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Got a Toothache?

In a recent blog post, Dr. Allan Melnick stated that the state of dental care and maintenance in the United States is alarming!  These are a few of the chilling statistics he quoted:

1.      16 million low-income kids did not see a dentist last year
2.      25 percent of seniors (65 and up) have lost all their teeth
3.      130 million Americans lack dental insurance
4.      55% of Americans (2 and up) didn’t see a dentist in the last year
5.      830,000 hospital ER visits in 2009 were linked to preventable dental conditions – a 16% increase in three years
6.      27% fewer people enrolled in dental school in 2003 than in 1980.
7.      Insurance is expected to cover only about 48 percent of all dental expenditures by 2013, predicts the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Eight percent ($10 billion) of all dental expenditures will be covered by government aid. The other 44 percent will be out-of-pocket expenses.

The poor economy and unemployment have dragged on now for nearly a decade.  We closely watch how we spend what little money we have. Sadly, too many Americans consider dental care a luxury rather than a necessity. 

I had an uncle who died from infections that began in his teeth, because he was afraid of dentists.  So, in addition to the financial burden of dental visits, many of us are fearful and avoid dentists altogether.

Dental work is expensive.  A standard teeth cleaning costs, on average, $127, although depending upon where you live, it can be $75 to $200.  Teeth cleaning often includes dental X-rays and a dental exam.  The cost of that routine dental visit, therefore, may cost up to $300.  If we happen to need a full-mouth deep cleaning, the cost will increase to $500 or more.  This is only for cleaning, exam and x-rays for just one family member.

If you actually need dental work done, a root canal for instance, it likely will cost $800 - $1500.  Or, if you need a crown, you’ll spend $700 and $1500.  In today’s economy, many people simply cannot afford the expense even if we know it is unwise to avoid it.

Some people purchase dental insurance, paying $12 to $50 per month (or more) premium per person.   Even if you have dental insurance, there are many limitations.  Most policies limit the policy holders to $1000 coverage per year.  So even if you have insurance, you may end up paying a great deal out of pocket.

In addition to the monetary limitations, dental insurance doesn’t necessarily cover all services.  Orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry very often are not covered by insurance.

Fortunately, there are alternatives to going without dental care and dental insurance.  Discount Dental Plans, like Xpress Healthcare, save their members 15% to 50% on their dental costs.  Xpress Healthcare uses the Aetna Dental Access network of providers, with over 90,000 dentists nationwide. There are no limitations on the amount you can save, the number of visits, age or pre-existing conditions. Everyone is accepted!

Here’s the best part… Xpress Healthcare’s Premium plan is $19.95 per month per FAMILY!  And, this plan also includes discounts on prescriptions, vision, hearing, medical supplies and vitamins. 

You could possibly save hundreds of dollars for your family’s dental care while paying less than $20 a month! 

So, what are you waiting for?  Sign up for your Xpress Dental Plan at, and then go schedule your dental appointment!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

You Are the TOPS!

It has been over a decade, 12 years to be exact, since I was what some would call a zaftig woman.  “Somehow” the weight had crept up on me before I realized that I was definitely “chunky.”  I made the discovery after seeing myself in a photo on a cruise with the Captain.  I was all dressed up, hair fixed, makeup on, and I looked terrible!

What to do?  I started researching my area for weight loss groups. I knew I couldn’t do it alone.   I mean no disrespect to anyone who sells weight-loss products, but I believe the only really healthy way to lose weight is by eating less and exercising.  There are even exercises for people who cannot stand!  

I found a group called TOPS, Take off Pounds Sensibly.  It is the oldest weight loss group in the world, yep, older that Weight Watchers.  The cool part is it is a non-profit support group.  They don’t require you to follow any particular diet.  They have speakers each week that do presentations about health-related subjects, and everyone supports everyone else.  Members weigh in once a week.  It is amazing, but it costs only $70 a year (some chapters a little less, some a bit more).  I have seen several TOPS members lose 85 to 100 pounds by following a healthy diet and attending meetings for support.

After my very TOPS first meeting, I began losing weight.  Since TOPS members can choose whatever diet they like, I chose using the “exchange” system, weighing and measuring my food.  It wasn’t easy.  It took me several months, but I finally reached the goal weight established by my doctor.  Over the years, as I got older, my physician raised my goal weight just a bit, and I have maintained that weight for over 11 years.

Then, along came health issues.  I was referred to a Cardiologist and am under his care.  During my last visit, he told me he wants me to lose another 10 to 15 pounds to put less stress on my heart. 

I am now 12 years older than when I first joined TOPS.  For the past three months, I have been struggling with trying to lose that weight.  My metabolism is slower now; I am no longer able to do the vigorous exercises I did when I was younger.  The only exercise I am allowed to do is walking, and I can only manage ½ hour at a time with my health problems.

I can tell you all these reasons why I have not lost any weight, but I realize that they are excuses.  Although I eat reasonable amounts of food, mostly healthy food, I have not gotten back into the weighing and measuring all my food that worked so well for me years ago.  I haven’t been able to “psyche” myself into doing what I know I need to do.  Even knowing that it isn’t good for my heart hasn’t given me the “kick in the rear” that I need.

So, I am putting this in writing, hoping that seeing it and letting “the world” know that I need to lose some weight might, just might give me the incentive to start losing today!

Another Sleepless Night

I am really tired today.  I have been trying to work, but I am unable to focus.  I cannot seem to concentrate on much of anything.

My mind has been way too busy lately.  Occasionally life "gets in the way."  So, I have had a few sleepless nights.  Last night was one of the worst I have had.

I went to bed pretty early, because I was nearly falling asleep watching TV.  As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was wide awake! 

It was hot in the room, so I got up and turned on the fan.  Still too warm, so I threw off the blanket.  Then, with the blanket off, the fan was blowing too hard, so I got up again and turned it down.  No luck.  I won’t even get into the number of times I visited the “loo” throughout the night.

I am an avid reader, so I thought I would read in bed until I fell asleep.  My bed-light bulb was burned out (now replaced), so I got a flashlight and read for a few minutes.  It was uncomfortable trying to hold the book and use a flashlight at the same time.  So, I took my book and went to the living room. 

On the couch, I read a few minutes when I realized I was both hungry and thirsty.  I dragged myself off the couch and got a glass of water and a couple crackers.  I felt a bit better, so I began reading again. 

Reading my book in a cool room, I began to relax.  Looking at the clock, I saw that it was past 3 AM.  Sometime after that, I dozed off for a few minutes.  When I woke up, it was nearly 4 AM. 

I left the couch and returned to my bed where I finally fell asleep.  I awoke at about 6:30 AM.  Normally a very early riser, this was really very late for me. 

So, here I sit knowing I should be working, but mostly staring at the computer monitor.  Hmm.  I’d better figure out a way to quiet my mind before bedtime tonight.  

To learn more about Julie Klein, visit

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Not a member of IBOToolbox yet? A totally FREE marketing site. Increase your site traffic.

Monday, July 16, 2012

"A goal properly set is halfway reached." Abraham Lincoln

Research tells us that when we write down a goal we are more likely to achieve it. Since written goals can be reviewed regularly, they have more long-range power. Goals are not a dream that you hope to achieve.  Goals are like a contract with yourself that you WILL achieve.  When you write your goals, they should be:
  1. Present Tense. State goals as though they are being realized right now, or have already been attained. Our subconscious minds only operate in the present. If you create goals in the future tense, your subconscious will never get there.
  2. Positive. State goals in positive rather than negative terms. ("I am a neat and organized person," rather than, "I am no longer disorganized.")
  3. Personal. Goals must be about you, and under your control, not about someone else.
  4. Precise. Write goals in a manner that clearly describe what you intend to accomplish.  Do NOT say “I want to earn enough to quit my job.” Instead, say exactly how much monthly income it will take you to enable you to quit your job. $500 per week?  $3000 per month?  For example, your goal may be: “I am working my business so I’ll be earning $3000 per month by March 31, 2013.”  You can decide on a date, or break it down into mini goals by weeks, months or within 24 months.
  5. Possible. Goals should be realistic. Achieving them must be within the realm of possibility.  If you’ve never written any business with your company, don’t write down a goal that you’ll make 100 sales by the end of the month.  While it is not totally impossible, in most businesses, it is not likely.  Instead, use a realistic number, breaking it down by weeks, months or by the end of the year.  For instance:
“I am growing my team by two members by the end of August.”  Then:  “I’m building my team by an additional six members by the end of October.”  Next:  “I’m working my business so I’ll have 12 team members by the end of the year.”  If you surpass that goal, great, but meanwhile, you can actually achieve those goals, and you’ll feel good that you’ve accomplished them.
Repeated victories will result in higher self-esteem and more confidence in setting higher goals, which result in greater productivity.  You also don’t want to set your goals too low.  Your goals should be challenging, but attainable.
  1. Deadline.  Give yourself a deadline by which you intend to reach your goal.  As I mentioned, you can break them down by mini goals you’ll reach in days, weeks, months, etc. 
  2. No DeadlineSome goals can be about your work habits or schedule, without a deadline.  For instance, if you have not been participating on forums as much as you think you should, one of your goals may be “I am participating in forums one hour three times a week.”
  3. You must REALLY want your goal and work every day towards accomplishing your goal. If you are wishy-washy about whether or not you achieve your goal, you likely will not do so.

    Even if you have no time during the day to take action towards your goal, you can take a few minutes to visualize it. Constantly visualizing yourself accomplishing your goal is a powerful way to help achieve it.
Place written goals where you will see them at least twice a day. If possible, read them aloud and visualize each one.

To learn more about Julie and her business, visit

Sunday, July 15, 2012

I believe that each of us wants to be a winner in our own minds.  But, what is a winner?  If you’re playing golf, if you win the game, you are a winner.  Does that also mean that if you lose the game, you are a loser?  Is a winner the guy who gets the job for which he applied, or is it the guy who gets the job and proves himself brilliantly?

Are Bill Gates, Gandhi or Mother Theresa winners?  Vincent van Gogh has gone down in history as a brilliant artist; however, he sold very few paintings during his life. So, was he truly a winner since he died a loser? 

Who decides whether you, I or anyone else is a loser or a winner?  Who makes the declaration, “And the winner is…”  If you believe in God, perhaps you think that he makes that determination.  Or, perhaps all those famous “success” speakers who give seminars on how to succeed create a list of those who are winners and another for those who are losers. 

Can your friends decide whether or not you are a winner?  Since they are your friends, how important is their opinion about whether they think you are a winner. 

Has it come to you yet?  In reality, who can decide whether or not you are a winner?  In the entire world, there is only one person who has the power to determine your fate.  Only one person can decide whether you are a loser or a winner.  Out of all the human beings on earth, only a single one of them has the right to judge you and change your path in life to become a winner or a loser.

By now, I am certain you realize that it is you, and only you, who directs your life.  Only you have the power to change the direction your life is going and steer it into a different direction.  No one else can even help you make that decision.  They may help you to learn certain tasks or behaviors that will enable you to walk a different path, but they cannot decide for you whether or not you are a winner.

Here is another question to ask yourself.  Do you FEEL like a winner?  That one is a bit more difficult to answer, because most of us don’t feel great about ourselves ALL the time, but we do some of the time.  There are days, weeks, even months when I definitely feel like a winner.  Then, something comes along in my life, and I feel helpless, weak and perhaps even stupid.  It doesn’t usually last long, but it does happen.

What can we do to make ourselves feel like a winner nearly all the time?  Because I do not believe in perfection, I won’t even suggest that we can feel like a winner ALL the time.

Let’s try this…

On a piece of paper, or on a blank page in your computer, begin listing the successes you have had in your life.  Look all the way back to when you were a little kid.  Did you learn to ride a bike or learn to swim?  Success!  Did you work hard and achieve good enough grades to graduate high school?  Success!  Were you successful in college or on your first job?  Did you get a promotion for which you worked hard to earn?  Did you marry the person of your dreams and create a lifelong successful marriage?  Success, success, success!

Now, you have the beginning of your list.  From here on out, each time you achieve a goal, every time you experience a new success, read through your Success List, and then add the new accomplishment to the list. 

Creating and maintaining a list such as this can help us think differently about our own successes.  They are not each isolated events, interlinking all the great things you have done, they become an accumulation of your life’s achievements.  When you look at your list as a whole, there is a great possibility that you will then be able to say, “I am a winner!”

To learn more about Julie and her Xpress Healthcare business, visit:

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meet My Dear Friend...

I first met my friend Cheryl last December when she joined Xpress Healthcare.  I didn’t sponsor her, but someone on my team did. 

From the first, Cheryl attended every training call offered by her team and the company.  She learned quickly and began to write business.

Cheryl and I began having frequent conversation, getting to know one another and discussing business.  After a few conversations. I came to realize what a special person she is.  She is kind and caring, dedicated to her business and her team.

As time went on, Cheryl continued to grow her team, adding on new members regularly.  Cheryl’s knowledge about our company, our products and working a network marketing business also grew.  After a while, she began guest hosting some of our team calls, and everyone loved her!

I went on a trip to California a couple weeks ago, and since that is where Cheryl lives, we decided that we, along with our husbands, should meet.  We arranged to meet at a restaurant, and from the moment we saw one another, the four of us never stopped talking – and talking – and talking… After what seemed like a short time, we realized we’d been visiting for four hours!  Cheryl’s husband is a sweetheart, and he and my husband had lots to talk about.

I hold team contests each month, and for some, there is only one winner.  On those contests, it is always Cheryl who wins. 

Over the past couple months, Cheryl’s team has exploded!  She has been sponsoring new team members so quickly that I’ve nearly lost count!  She mentors her team members one-on-one, and they just love her as a person and as a team leader.

I anticipate that it will not be long before Cheryl passes her sponsor.  With our company’s comp plan, he and I will be thrilled if she does!

My dear friend is a definite Super Star!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What Language Are You Speaking?

Anyone who did not grow up on computers has seen the evolution of our language and methods of marketing.

Think back to about 15 or 20 years ago when no one had yet coined, let alone spoken, so many of the words and terms that today are part of everyday conversations.   The only paper dictionary I own is the same one I used many years ago in college.  Try looking up these recently-created words in a 25-year-old dictionary and you’ll see that most do not appear.

One of my favorite recently- coined words is “blog.” Isn’t that the sound people make right before they “lose their stomach?”  (Sorry, rather gross, I know.)  It isn’t enough that blog is an odd-sounding word, but it started out as a noun and “morphed” into a verb as well.  Right now I am “blogging.”

Before the blog was created, Google came on the scene.  Google is not just a website, but a search “engine.”  Until the early 1990’s, an engine was generally considered “a machine that converted an energy source into mechanical power or motion.”  And then, of course, Google too evolved into a verb, as in, “Why don’t you google it?”

A gigabyte today is commonly known as a gig.  The word “gigabyte” isn’t in my college dictionary, and a gig was defined as a carriage-type vehicle or a boat.  While I am on that subject, gigabyte isn’t in my dictionary either.  Had I heard the word years ago, I believe I would have thought it was some kind of dance.

Another word that was once only a noun but is now a verb is “text.”  “Text me the number.”  “Do not text while driving.” 

I have a friend who has chosen not to have ever used a computer or the internet.  Several years ago, she was adamant about it.  In the last year or so, however, she says she feels as though people are speaking a foreign language on television.  What TV program or product sold on TV today doesn’t have a Facebook page and its own website? 

I could probably write a Kindle book about all the newly created words… A book that contains no paper or fiber of any kind?  I guess that will have to wait for another article (a word that still means what it always did!).

To learn more about Julie and her business, Xpress Healthcare, visit:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am part of the “Baby Boomer” generation.  My generation helped to destroy the once very common long-lasting marriage. We were the first generation where divorce became very common.  My own parents were married 63 years and my grandparents, 55.  Yet all my parents’ children, 4 in all, have been married more than once.

In earlier times when people married, they entered the relationship knowing that it would be permanent.  They had no more or fewer disagreements than people have today, but for most, escaping the marriage was never considered.

Today, way too many people get married with, “If it doesn’t work out, we can always get a divorce” in the back of their minds.  They don’t consciously think that way of course, but it is a seed germinating, ready to bloom when challenges in their marriage arise.  I think fewer people with each generation are willing to make a lifetime commitment.

My husband and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary on January 1, 2013. We were both married previously, neither of us for as long as 20 years.  We are both certain we will be together forever.  We have disagreements.  We are two very different people after all.  However, we never raise our voices in anger, never call one another names and never cuss at one another.  At all times, we show respect for one another.

My sister brags that she and her husband have been married 35 years, but she has also told me that they scream and yell at one another and use filthy language when they “fight.”  Hmm.  Is this a “good” marriage because of its longevity?

Today my husband and I were discussing the poor marriage record of Baby Boomers, and we realized that although divorce is common for those our age, we actually know several people who have been married for a very long time.

We have several couple-friends who have been married more than 30 years, the first marriage for two of those couples.  In fact, we were surprised to realize that most people we know have been married for 20+ years.  Since so many people divorce these days, how is it that we have so many friends in long-lasting marriages?  Do people in good marriages attract or seek out others in good marriages? 

I have found a similar attitude in network marketing team members.  Most are unwilling to commit to their business, while a small percentage commit fully, whatever it takes.  I have developed a few close friendships among my co-workers.  Like the long-married couples we know, those close friendships only seem to be with those who have a similar passion for their business that I have.    

Will the next generation and the next one after that commit to relationships and to their work, or will commitment become less and less common as time goes on?  Of course, I do not know, but I pray it is the former.


I Don't Believe It!

I Don’t Believe It!

If you believe in yourself, you can achieve whatever goal for which you are striving.

It is rare to find an adult doesn’t know how to drive a car.  Virtually everyone you know drives.  Although I know a couple people who do not drive, they never wanted to learn.  I don’t know anyone who tried to learn, but failed.  No one who tried a few times to learn but then gave up.

If you think about it, driving a car is a bit complex.  You need to operate the gas pedal, the brakes and a steering wheel – the gear shift as well if you’re driving a standard transmission vehicle.  On top of that, you have to watch the road, anticipate what other drivers may do, read signs and obey traffic lights.

Why is it that the overwhelming majority of people who choose to learn to drive are successful?  The answer is pretty clear.  Before anyone even begins to learn to drive, they know they will be successful.  They know that others have done so, and they too will learn, even though it really is a somewhat complicated skill.

No matter how you measure success, it begins with your own thought processes.  Without a clear picture of the results you are seeking, your subconscious mind may prevent you from achieving those results.

When they begin to listen to the words they use regularly, most people are surprised to learn that they are often sending negative messages to their subconscious mind. 

Have you ever told yourself, for example, that because you’ve never participated in forums or written blogs, you’ll never be any good at it?  Or, because you’ve been participating in forums for a few weeks and not received any prospects from them that you will never succeed with your business?

When your subconscious mind receives these messages, you may be setting those challenges in concrete, convincing yourself that you will never reach your goals.  It is important to remind yourself of your goals, and create an image in your mind of the successful you.  See yourself as successful.

Focus on the positive picture you create, and your subconscious mind will help you achieve this picture in reality.

When speaking to yourself or someone else, instead of saying that learning about your business is really difficult, instead tell yourself that you are working hard to build your business, meeting each challenge that comes along.  Or in your personal life, instead of telling yourself “I won't be overweight anymore,” think “I am getting thinner every day.”

Even if others do not believe in you – which is common in network marketing – focus on the many who have succeeded, not those who quit…  Remember that those who quit did not fail, they simply gave up before putting in the time and effort to reach their goals. 

The people who believe in themselves and keep working toward their own success are the ones who do succeed.

During the Dot Com boom, people were buying internet stocks like crazy. Warren Buffet chose not to do so, and he received lots of criticism.  He believed in his actions and ignored the criticism.  When the dot com bust happened, millions of people lost lots of money, but Buffet became one of the richest people man in the world!

Before “Roots” was published, Alex Haley received 200 rejections from publishers.  He didn’t quit trying.  He finally got his book published and won a Pulitzer Prize for it.

Buffet and Alex Haley were normal people like you and me. Their success came because they believed in themselves.

No one succeeds without coming across challenges along the way.  If it takes time to build up your lead lists and get prospects, remind yourself that you will get them with consistent effort. 

Most of us had doubts about certain aspects of our business along the way, but we did not give up.  Instead, we convinced ourselves that if others could do it, we can too.  Believe in yourself.  Continue moving forward, persevere, be persistent and patient.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Heading Home

Here we are on I-10 heading home to Arizona after a great trip to visit family and friends in California.
It is sad to be leaving, because we want to stay and live in California, but until our house in Arizona sells, we cannot do so.

We started our week with our younger son, staying at his apartment the entire week.  We had dinner at my brother's restaurant the first night. We had a great meal with wonderful company.

The following evening, we met one of my team members and her husband for dinner.  It was our first in-person meeting, and we had such fun with them!  What a great couple.

On Saturday, we had a nice visit with an elderly cousin, the last of her generation still alive.  At 91 years of age, she is still sharp and living alone.  From her home, we drove to the coast, Pacific Coast Highway, driving south stopping to enjoy the ocean view, smell and sounds. Living in Arizona, we don't have much opportunity to see the ocean.

On Sunday, we met with my husband's daughter and friends for a really nice visit.  The following day, my brother joined us as we drove to a few cities in Southern California trying to decide exactly where in Southern California we want to live when our house does sell.

The next day we drove to another beach town to see our niece and grand niece.  We hadn't seen them for a couple years, so we had lots to catch up on.  That evening, we saw our older son and our 4-year-old granddaughter.  She is an adorable little girl who we barely know, because we live so far away.

Our last full day was mostly relaxing and visiting with our younger son.  That evening, because it was the 4th of the July, Independence Day in the USA, my brother and darling sister-in-law joined us, along with our son, and we went to The Rose Bowl in Pasadena, for a phenomenal fireworks display.  We saw some unique fireworks that none of us had ever seen before.  The Rose Bowl show was reported to be the largest display in Southern California.  We picnicked in a park area surrounding the Rose Bowl in what was a real party atmosphere, with about 200,000 other people.  Our final night in California was special mostly because we spent it with family.

As anticipated, driving in California was terrible, and we drove a great deal during our visit – 1845 miles to be exact.  However, as we also expected, we had a wonderful time seeing everyone.  We are now in the first of what will be about a 10-hour drive home... although Arizona is feeling less like home each time we leave our family. 

Having a home business is such a pleasure.  I can work anywhere, and I can take vacations whenever I please.  During the week I was in California, two people joined my team, and I spoke with three other really good prospects that I’ll be contacting again.

I am also so fortunate to have a dear friend and co-worker on my team who covered my training calls and even helped a few of my team members during my absence.

My team, The Winner’s Circle, is one of the top teams in Xpress Healthcare.  If you’re looking for a home business with phenomenal people, please check out my website