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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Where Are the Golden Years

I’m on the older end of the baby boomer generation. I am officially considered a senior citizen. I don’t think like I’m old. People tell me I don’t look that old. Unfortunately, my body won’t let me forget it.

I’d always heard that the Golden Years would be wonderful! Seniors are free to do whatever they want to do whenever they want to do it. They no longer have children to worry about, and money is no longer a problem.
Now that I’m in what was supposed to be “The Golden Years,” I realized that they lied to me. As my body creaks. cracks, and groans when I rise from the couch, it is definitely not cheering. As osteoarthritis takes over my fingers, I am beginning to wonder if I’ll be able to play the piano. Actually, I never have before, so it would be pretty miraculous if I could now. 

My husband and I still walk two miles every morning.  I couldn’t walk any distance at all without my hiking stick. I refuse to use a cane. That would make me officially old!  When I’m walking with my hiking stick, people laugh and ask if I use it to beat up my husband. See, that makes it funny, not pathetic.

It’s odd, I never had freckles as a child or young adults, but I do now. I much prefer calling all those “age spots” freckles, wouldn’t you?

The lives of my children and grandchildren is like watching a TV drama. My sons are responsible young men, but “stuff” keeps “happening” to them. Not worry about them? It’ll never happen.

Starting when I was very young, I was very responsible with money. I began investing and saving at an early age. I expected that, by this time, I’d have tons of money, so I could relax and enjoy life. It should have been that way.
Unfortunately, throughout the year of 2008, my investments went down about $5000 per month. During 2010, my investments began to increase again, but we’re still not back to where we were before the meltdown. So, vacations are on the back burner. We are fortunate that we have a few different means of income aside from our investments. So we have no problem paying our bills, but the luxury items will have to wait a while.

One thing that I do love about my age now is that I can still work my home business, sitting on my nice ergonomically correct office chair. As long as my mind stays sharp (which I sometimes wonder about even now… What was I looking for?), I can sit at my computer and work.

One more advantage of being a senior citizen is the discounts various stores, theaters and restaurants offer. You betcha!  I’ll admit I’m a senior to get a ½ of meal or free coffee. More and more businesses are offering discounts to seniors, so I’ll take advantage of them all!

The senior years don’t look Golden to me. Growing old is not for sissies or wimps. However, I’m facing them with head held high. I may have many more years remaining, so watch out! I’ll take advantage of every one of them to the best of my now limited somewhat abilities.

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