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Friday, October 12, 2012

Bizarre and Unique Holidays

I have always known that there are some odd holidays and days of “observation” of a person, place or thing.  I decided to learn more about those that occur during the month of October.  What I found was both amusing and interesting.

If you’re wondering how one goes about creating a “day” or “month,” it varies.  Those days that are actually recognized throughout the country requires an act of Congress and is a long process and takes a great deal of work. Other “Days,”  were created by special interest groups, sports teams, companies, local government agencies. For some “days,” someone simply declares it so.  Greeting card and ecard companies sometimes do this. 

Nearly every day has been designated a day, so there are far too many to put on a single page. There are also many full-month and week-long observances, which I will not address here. 
World Vegetarian Day was observed on October 1st.  On the 2nd, you may have missed a great opportunity on Name Your Car Day.

Virus Appreciation Day was recognized on the 3rd of October.  I guess we should have shown some respect for nasty viruses. Instead, I’d rather give them a dose of penicillin.

World Teacher’s Day was on the 5th, but I think we should be praising and acknowledging teachers every day. 
On October 6th, I hope you were silly and celebrated silliness on Mad Hatter Day.  October 7th was the last day of Oktoberfest in Germany and World Smile Day.

Tag, you’re it!  I am certain many people played outside on American Touch Tag Day.  Did you know that Columbus Day was created by Franklin Delano Roosevelt to capture the Italian vote?

What do you suppose we were supposed to do on Moldy Cheese Day? I may have just waited to eat until the following day, since October 10th was National Angel Food Cake Day.  Prepare yourself for Evaluate Your Life Day on October 19th.

What’s all the chatter about Babbling Day on the 21st of this month? You quiet types better stay away from the party. On the last Friday in October, we can have fun on Frankenstein Friday, a holiday created by Ron MacCloskey so he could award “The Franky” to someone who made a significant contribution to the promotion of the lovely Frankenstein.

You just may want to stay home on the 29th, since it is Hermit Day.  Or, look into the future on the 31st for Increase Your Psychic Powers Day. 

There are far more “days” than I have shared with you here, but this is a pretty good sampling.  I find it rather amusing to think people actually took time to think up these “days.”  They don’t need a day, they really need a life!  Then again, I took the time to look them up.
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