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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I had always heard about the perennial student, those who are in college for years upon years, but never reaching whatever goal they are seeking from their education.  They never begin a career.

Until I entered the world of network marketing, I never realized that the industry is full of perennial students.  As network marketers, we should constantly be learning – new ways to market our business, new ways to recruit, new ways to train team members, etc.  However, at the same time we are learning, we must be working our businesses.

I see way too many people in network marketing "preparing" to begin working their business.  Some believe they need to know everything before they can get started. Others do “busy work,” seeming to be working, but they are accomplishing nothing!

I believe that every company has their share of people who are “getting ready to work.”  I don’t believe that they even realize they are doing this.  Since they are busy all day, they believe they are “working,” and they wonder why their business isn't growing.

I have a few team members who behave in this manner.  I have used a variety of methods to help them.  What I believe is most effective is leading by example and hoping they’ll be inspired to follow.  This works with a few people, but not all.  With others I have tried motivating them, speaking frankly with them to explain their behavior.  Each method works with certain people, and none work for others, in which case, I simply stop trying.  As the saying goes, “You can lead a horse to water…” 

I have learned that some people will never actually work their business, no matter how I try to help them to do so.  So, I spend my training time with those who are “coachable” and eager to get their business up and running quickly so they can begin earning money.  I actually enjoy training team members, and I am more than willing to help anyone who requests it.

After years working in network marketing, I now know that team members who are forever “getting ready to work” do not really want my assistance, and I will not try to force it upon them.

To learn about Julie Klein and the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity, please visit  You can work from home and earn residual income.

For information about how you can Save Money on Your Health and Dental Costs AND Save on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and much more, please visit   (NOT insurance)

Are You Too Comfy?

Many people always live within their “comfort zone.”  They don’t take chances; they don’t risk a dime for fear that they will lose it.  These people will never achieve success in their careers or in their lives.   Their lives lack excitement and adventure.  They likely feel trapped, bored and overwhelmed.
What if these people decided it was time to stretch their limits, rev up their lives?  If they stop fearing failure, they’ll take risks that may change their entire life!

Some of the most important people in history took great risks and failed.  Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because "he lacked imagination and had no good ideas." He started other businesses that failed, and he ended bankrupt before beginning his road to success.

Henry Ford had five businesses that were complete failures before he created the first assembly line and American-made automobiles.  I could cite many more examples where people risked everything, failed, and started again before ever being successful.

To achieve our goals in life and in our careers, we cannot be concerned about what other people may think of us. 
We must take risks; dare to step out of our comfort zone.  If we are less than perfect, if we don’t succeed, we must try again and again.

Risking something – time, money or our pride - can be frightening.  We may fail or lose. On the other hand, we may not. We may gain something, learn something or become an expert in something new and different.

When was the last time you were really excited about NOT knowing what was going to happen? If we remain in our comfort zone, we likely don’t even remember that feeling of excitement and anticipation.  It is time to start feeling that again!

Starting today, do something different, outside your “norm,” something challenging. Let’s all see how much more we can do than we believe we can.

When I first joined Xpress Healthcare two years ago, I didn’t start out truly believing I would be successful. I’d been with other network marketing companies, and I certainly didn’t set the world on fire.  However, with the encouragement and training I received, I learned to step way out of my comfort zone. Before I knew it, I was hosting training calls (brand new to me), creating videos to post online (me, speaking on camera?), volunteering to do tasks I wasn’t sure I was capable of doing… I did these things.  My heart raced, my stomach seemed made of knots, but I challenged myself, not once or twice, but over and over again.

Looking back at myself when I first joined Xpress, I am so glad that I was willing to risk embarrassment and I was open to learning new and different things.  I am not yet where I want to be, but I’m enjoying the ride!

If you want to join me on my journey, please contact me at