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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Roller Coaster Ride

No matter how long you've been in network marketing, you have experienced the ups and downs, the highs and lows in your business. Everyone hits a dip in the road occasionally, even the top earners in the business.

Network Marketing can be a very exciting ride, and at times, it can be frustrating.  So, how do you deal with those times when business is slow?  If you have built up a clientele or residual base, you may not feel the pain in the wallet.  If you are new or have not built a financial foundation, it can be challenging and depressing, and you may even doubt your reasons for getting into the business.

It is important to level out those ups and downs along the way.  Too many network marketers think that because they are independent contractors they must go it alone. That is a serious mistake.  If you have chosen a reputable, well-established company, you may be in business for yourself, but you are not by yourself.

Do not hesitate to ask for help – from your sponsor, your upline or any other rep in your company.  Try to seek out those who have a positive attitude, those people who simply know that they will succeed.  If you are struggling, it is your sponsor and upline’s responsibility to help you strategize how you can get up and rolling.

Focus on the big picture, not the prospect who didn’t sign up with you today or even this week.  You have to be able to imagine what your business will be like in 6 months, a year, five years.  If you believe in your company and your product, this should not be difficult.  Do not allow yourself to get emotionally down when your business is slow. 

Some of the ebbs and flows occur regularly and affect nearly everyone.  Some find that around holidays, people are busy with their families, shopping, etc.  They may not be thinking about a home business at that time.  I am not saying not to approach them during that time.  Two years in a row I signed a new business partner on Thanksgiving. Continue to work your business as you always have, but know that it is possible that business may be down a bit.  It will come back up. Always keep your eye on your destination, and you will reach it.  Never give up on yourself no matter how bad business may be.

The highs and lows will happen.  You cannot avoid them.  However, it is how you deal with them that will make the difference between success and failure.  Never, ever give up!  Never surrender.  Never give up on your dream.

Work your business consistently.  Ask for help when you need it, and enjoy the ride! 

I’ll see you at the top!