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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meet My Dear Friend...

I first met my friend Cheryl last December when she joined Xpress Healthcare.  I didn’t sponsor her, but someone on my team did. 

From the first, Cheryl attended every training call offered by her team and the company.  She learned quickly and began to write business.

Cheryl and I began having frequent conversation, getting to know one another and discussing business.  After a few conversations. I came to realize what a special person she is.  She is kind and caring, dedicated to her business and her team.

As time went on, Cheryl continued to grow her team, adding on new members regularly.  Cheryl’s knowledge about our company, our products and working a network marketing business also grew.  After a while, she began guest hosting some of our team calls, and everyone loved her!

I went on a trip to California a couple weeks ago, and since that is where Cheryl lives, we decided that we, along with our husbands, should meet.  We arranged to meet at a restaurant, and from the moment we saw one another, the four of us never stopped talking – and talking – and talking… After what seemed like a short time, we realized we’d been visiting for four hours!  Cheryl’s husband is a sweetheart, and he and my husband had lots to talk about.

I hold team contests each month, and for some, there is only one winner.  On those contests, it is always Cheryl who wins. 

Over the past couple months, Cheryl’s team has exploded!  She has been sponsoring new team members so quickly that I’ve nearly lost count!  She mentors her team members one-on-one, and they just love her as a person and as a team leader.

I anticipate that it will not be long before Cheryl passes her sponsor.  With our company’s comp plan, he and I will be thrilled if she does!

My dear friend is a definite Super Star!