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Friday, December 7, 2012

Where is the Network Marketing Mecca

I was on another forum today and saw that someone was taking a survey about where most network marketers live.  This particular poster’s business is in party plans, and she has far more people working with her in the northern part of the United States that other regions.

I found that interesting, because the vast majority of my team lives in the Eastern Time Zone of the USA.  I also have several team members in California and a very few scattered throughout the Central Time Zone.  Besides me, no one on my entire team lives in the Mountain Time Zone or any western States besides California. 

My company operates solely in the USA, so I cannot compare which countries are most involved in network marketing.  I would guess that the USA is among the top, if not number one on that list.

I remember reading a while back that the most network marketers in the United States live in California, New York, Florida and Texas.  There was one other State (it was a top 5 list), but I’m sorry to say I can’t remember which it was.

So, I am curious now.  I would love if anyone who reads this post would respond by saying where they live in the world or in what State in the United States.  I think the responses might be interesting. 

To learn about Julie Klein and the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity, please visit

To learn how to Reduce Your Health and Dental Costs AND save on Hearing, Vision, Roadside Assistance and much more, please visit   (NOT insurance) 

Do You Miss Snail Mail?

Until the last few years, my mail box was full of envelopes six days a week.  Around the holidays, it sometimes nearly overflowed with the addition of Christmas cards.

Now don’t laugh at us, but both my husband and I looked forward to picking up our mail each day.  It was fun to see what surprises we would find.  Of course, more often than not, until about five years ago, it was mostly bills. 

Now I rarely receive bills by mail since everything is either directly debited or I pay online.  From now until Christmas thoughj, we will have more mail than usual and enjoy receiving – and sending – holiday greetings.

When we pick up our mail these days, it is more advertisements than anything else.  Unless we’re expecting a package, there are rarely surprises in the mail. 

Fortunately, I also rarely receive credit card “approvals” anymore.  With the advent of Identity Theft Protection, we have been removed from virtually all the credit card mailing lists. 

There are far more features included with ID Theft Protection, and for that I am grateful.  ID Theft is such a huge and ever-growing crime, that tens of thousands of people are victimized every year.  Many people believe that if they have no credit cards, they cannot become victims of ID theft. They are very wrong!  Thieves these days have gone so far as to steal people’s health insurance records and receive medical treatment under their victims’ name!

A thief can contact your utility companies and change your address.  They then receive service at a different address under YOUR name!  Many utility companies have tightened their security making it more difficult for this to happen, but it is far from foolproof.

Thieves can also apply for credit cards in your name and destroy your credit.  Do not believe that they cannot do so because they need your social security number.  We have all provided our SSN in so many places that most thieves know exactly how to access your number.

Back to receiving mail… If you are still receiving bills and pay checks through the mail, you are at greater risk of being victimized.  Mail boxes are the quickest and easiest way for thieves to steal your identity.  The flimsy locks on some mail boxes are no challenge to them. 

You can protect your identity with a variety of ID Theft Protection programs, the best of which is LifeLock™.  You have probably seen the LifeLock™ TV commercials.  My company, Xpress Healthcare offers LifeLock™ for $19.95 per month PER FAMILY!  Their WalletLock™ feature assists you in the event your wallet is lost or stolen. They even have a $1 million service guarantee that if one of their members is victimized because of failure of their service, they will help you fix it at their expense up to $1 million!

Here’s some great news! When you join LifeLock™ through Xpress Healthcare, you will also receive Roadside Assistance for all family vehicles and all family members, Pet Care discounts and Legal Service savings.  Pretty great for less than $20 a month!  For details, please visit

Now, it is time to go check my mail to see if more Christmas cards have arrived!

To learn about Julie Klein and the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity, please visit

To learn how to Reduce Your Health and Dental Costs AND save on Hearing, Vision, Roadside Assistance and much more, please visit   (NOT insurance)

Holidays of My Childhood

My mother came from a large family.  She was one of nine children, seven of whom lived to adulthood. Every one of those seven siblings had children of their own.  My mother was “the baby” of the family and was ten years younger than the next youngest.  Most of my cousins were close to my age.

When my family got together for holidays, it was a nice size crowd, often around 40 people. We celebrated holidays that fell during the summer at a park with lots of space and room to play, “pot luck” meals, softball games and lots of love.

When I was very young, I remember that one of my aunts hosted the Thanksgiving dinner.  We had huge portions of all the traditional Thanksgiving foods.  For a few years, my grandmother hosted it, and in later years, one of my cousins took it over.  We ate too much, visited and laughed a lot.

Being Jewish, we celebrated Chanukah.  During my childhood, my mother usually hosted a Chanukah party.  She had a wooden Star of David that stood about five feet tall.  Because of its proximity on the calendar to Christmas, the star became “Americanized” and was covered with foil, garland and blue lights.  It was beautiful. 

Chanukah is eight nights long, and children received eight small gifts, one on each night.  This too was an American tradition, because gifts were not part of the original celebration of Chanukah.  At our party each year, the children received gifts from all our aunts and uncles too.  My siblings and I took turns lighting the menorah (Chanukah candelabra) and saying the prayer that goes with the lighting ceremony every night of the holiday.  On the night of our family party, one of our cousins would light the candles.

When we were very young, my siblings and cousins and I would always put on a show when the family got together.  We would sing and dance for the adults, and everyone would applaud at what must have been terrible performances.  It all just added to the fun and celebration. 

When I became an adult, I began hosting our Chanukah party at my home.  I inherited my mother’s Star of David to decorate for our family party.  We had so much food!  Potato Latkes (pancakes) are the traditional dish served at Chanukah, but we also had Lokshen Kugel (noodle pudding) and myriad other dishes my cousins and aunts brought to the party.  Whether my mother or I hosted, we had at least 25 people in attendance and enjoyed being together.

Although Christmas was not “our” holiday, the family did get together on Christmas at one of my aunt’s homes on that day.  My aunt had what she called a “Chanukah bush,” which was basically a fake white Christmas tree with blue lights. We had no gifts, but we always had tons of food and laughter and fun to go with it.

My parents, aunts and uncles and one of my sisters are gone now.  I live 600 miles away from my family, so my husband and I have no family with whom to celebrate the holidays.

I read about and hear many people talk about how they dread getting together with their families for holidays.  They talk about disagreements and hostility between family members, and I find that very sad. 

I cherish the wonderful memories of holidays gone by, and I miss my family terribly at this time of year.  My wish for everyone is that they will appreciate their family while they have them.  Choose your “battles” carefully so you don’t feel guilty when they are gone.

To learn about Julie Klein and the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity, please visit

To learn how to Reduce Your Health and Dental Costs AND save on Hearing, Vision, Roadside Assistance and much more, please visit   (NOT insurance)

Reflecting on 2012

As we approach the end of another year, it is a good time to reflect on our accomplishments and think about what we might have done better.

My year has been a mixture of both good and bad experiences, but the good far outweighed the bad.  I doubled my Xpress Healthcare business income over last year.  I didn’t get into the business expecting to earn a six-figure income my first year or two.  Since I was realistic, I wasn't discouraged.  I still love the company, my team, our products and the business opportunity. 

I was unable to visit my family in California as much as I would have liked, but I spoke to everyone frequently to stay in touch.  A dear friend, what we in Arizona call a “snow bird,” returned to her home in Kansas.  Due to age and poor health, she likely will not be returning to Arizona.  I miss the lunches we enjoyed together and the laughter.

I was disappointed that our house was for sale for a year and didn’t sell.  We will be putting it back on the market in January since houses are beginning to sell again.  Whenever we do sell it, we plan to move to California to be with our family.

I became very close with a few of my Xpress team members who have become friends, not just business partners.  Work certainly is more fun when you’re sharing it with friends.  I became better acquainted with our founders, working closely with them in the middle of the year and contributing to some great improvements in the company.

Looking forward, my husband and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary on New Year’s Day.  Two weeks later, we plan a trip to California to visit family.  I am eagerly awaiting the trip.

As my Xpress business continues to grow, I am excited to see how some of the stars in my team will grow and develop their businesses; and I am looking forward to bringing new business partners onboard and helping them to build their own Xpress businesses as well.

I am always happy to help more people save money with the various healthcare, dental and other savings programs Xpress Healthcare offers.

My husband and I are “seniors” now, but we are blessed since we have no major health issues.  We’ll continue to eat a healthy diet (at least most of the time) and walk 30 minutes five days a week to maintain our health.

As you reflect upon 2012 and look forward to 2013, I hope that all of you have wonderful memories and few worries.  May we all enjoy a healthy, profitable and wonderful new year.

To learn about Julie Klein and the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity, please visit

To learn how to Reduce Your Health and Dental Costs AND save on Hearing, Vision, Roadside Assistance and much more, please visit   (NOT insurance)

Have You Heard the News?

IBOToolbox members received an email this morning informing us that a deal is in the works sell IBOToolbox by the end of 2012. 

Paul Williams created this amazing free marketing platform, and it grew faster and larger than I believe anyone ever expected.  Paul implemented one new feature after another, providing IBO members with marketing tools never before offered free anywhere.

Through IBOToolbox, members became acquainted with people throughout the world, many becoming friends with one another and others becoming business partners through their association on IBO.   IBO members learned that the phrase “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” was taken very seriously on the site.  The vast majority of active members generously help others to promote their businesses, resulting in increased website traffic for virtually everyone.

I joined IBOToolbox well over a year ago, and it has been exciting to watch the many additions and changes as they have taken place.  There will be changes with the new ownership, and I must admit I’m a bit nervous about what they may be.  Hopefully the new owner will care as much about IBOToolbox members as Paul has.

Paul put incredible effort and time into building IBOToolbox to what it is today.  He has earned whatever amount of money he will be paid in the sale of the site and whatever leisure time he will now be able to enjoy.

Paul, I wish you great success with your future ventures and thank you for creating such a wonderful marketing platform for entrepreneurs. 

To learn about Julie Klein and the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity, please visit

To learn how to Reduce Your Health and Dental Costs AND save on Hearing, Vision, Roadside Assistance and much more, please visit   (NOT insurance)