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Monday, September 30, 2013

Playing Political Football

I have on occasion written about politics in the past.  As I have in previous posts, I ask that no one post any comments “bad mouthing” one political party or the other and that no one post negative comments about President Obama.

A poll released today indicates that 46% of the 803 US adults polled would blame the Republicans if the government shuts down.  President Obama would be blamed by 36% of those in the poll.  The poll indicated that both the Republicans AND the President would be blamed by 13%.

My opinion was not included in this poll, and I find it interesting that the Democrats are not even mentioned as part of the blame. 

In my opinion, the current Congress – both the House and the Senate – is the worst we have had in my lifetime.  I am a senior citizen, so I am talking about a lot of years.

The Republicans and Democrats are blaming one another for the looming government shutdown.  There is plenty of blame to go around! 

I am so sick and tired of party politics.  Unlike in years past, those in Congress nearly always vote their party line.  They no longer think of what is best for America and the “average” citizen.  They are afraid of losing the backing of the multi-millionaires and billionaires who support them, so they vote however the extremely wealthy backers want them to vote.

Both the Senate and the House of Representatives say they are “compromising,” but the other is not.  Let’s be real here!  No one is compromising!  Each party is threatening to “take their ball and go home” if the other doesn’t “play” the way they want them to.  They are behaving like children, not like the leaders they are supposed to be.

Right now, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is the political football being tossed back and forth.  The Republicans will not pass any spending bill that includes funding immediately for Obamacare.  The Democrats will not pass any bill that even mentions Obamacare.

I have no doubt that the government will shut down tomorrow.  Depending upon how long it remains shut down, it could be catastrophic for our already weak economy.  Of course, Congress and the President will be paid, but the military will not get paid… They can tell me all day long that they will be issued I.O.U’s, but whatever you call it, they are not getting paid! An I.O.U. will not pay their bills!  I live in a town where most people work at our military base.  Thousands of people will not get paid during a shutdown.

Who is truly to blame for the poor economy?  Based on their recent behavior, Congress – both Houses - and the President are all to blame.  I wish that we could all “stand up” to them and fire every last one! 

I truly fear for the United States of America.  Until and unless the extreme Right and extreme Left stop bickering, can we survive as a nation another generation?



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