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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Networking in Less Traditional Ways

Most small business owners and those in network marketing know the conventional ways to network and make new business contacts.  Joining your local Chamber of Commerce, for instance, or joining any other group of  small business owners. 
Those entrepreneurs who achieve the most success use less common methods, find unique networking resources and often connect in very different ways.  It is a lifestyle change for the really great networkers, something they do every day, and always thinking of more creative ways to connect with people about their business. 
If you’re open to trying some new ways to connect with people, there several easy ones. 

·        Local groups not involved in the “business world.”  Attend and participate in various community/civic board  and neighborhood meetings.   Get active in meetings and activities at your children’s school.  Becoming involved in this type of meeting can offer many opportunities to network with your neighbors and those who live and work in your area.
·        Wasting Time – We all know that no matter how well we plan our schedules, there will always be times when you have nothing to do but wait.  Instead of being bored and getting frustrated while waiting in a long line and your motor vehicles office, take advantage of this opportunity to chat with someone else in line.  It’s possible that the conversation can lead to an opportunity to mention your business.  If that happens, you just may find a customer or someone who would like to refer someone to you.
·        Don’t be Shy:  If you are normally not a very outgoing person, it is in your best interest to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and boldly start a conversation with people wherever you go.  When you’re in an airplane or on a bus, for instance, even standing in line at the grocery store are all great times to push yourself and talk to people around you.  It could well lead creating a new network. Connection. 
·        Talk to the Top:  Many small business owners limit their networking to others who own small business owners, or individuals they know.  That is, people in a similar level to themselves in the business world.  Have you ever considered approaching people with more “clout” in your industry?  If you find an opportunity to place your product or service to someone high up in a company who may benefit by it, do not waste the opportunity.  Once you’ve gotten your business’ message to one powerful person, it may just open doors for you with others.  This could lead to growth of your business more quickly.    
·        Media Marketing Outside the Norm:   We all realize the importance of social media marketing, but top networkers don’t limit themselves to Facebook fan pages or Twitter feeds.   Instead, they spend time regularly, often daily, participating in social communities relating to their fields and other networks directed more toward business than “friendships.”  Getting your name and that of your business out there, in as many places as possible, can be a very powerful way to create new contacts.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How to Handle Objections in Network Marketing

As network marketers, we will have questions, objections and concerns from prospects.  It comes with the industry.  So, rather than trying to avoid them, it is important to learn how to address them. 

In my experience these are the questions/objections we hear most often and how I suggest you respond to them.

·        I can’t afford the (start-up, monthly) fee.

Different network marketers have their own way of dealing with this objection.  Some say, anyone can afford it if they really want it.  If that is your perspective, you would approach the prospect with “How do you plan to change your life so you will be able to afford it?” or “If you can’t afford to get started with us now, you need this more than anyone!” or “By taking advantage of the opportunity I’m offering you, I can help you change your financial situation and ease the burden.”

Others, if they really believe the person is "broke," they also believe they’ll never succeed with the business and quit due to the inability to pay the required fees. 

I have actually had prospects who said they could not afford to join my team, but they loved the business and wanted to join anyway.  Of those, some have been successful; others quit as soon as their first payment came due. 

I’ve had a few who said they didn’t have the money, and I could tell, this would be someone who would waste my time and quit within weeks.  With those, I simply accepted that they truly could not afford it, and I wished them luck.

None of us can always make the right judgment call.  We’ll make mistakes occasionally.  But in general, the longer you’re in the business, the fewer times you’ll read people wrong.


·        I’m not a sales person. 

In some network marketing companies, they tell prospects, “no selling is required.”  I personally disagree.  If you are with a reputable network marketing company, you have a product or service you must sell, and sales experience can be beneficial.  In addition, we all must sell OURSELVES to sell our product or recruit new team members.  If the prospect doesn’t like you, you’ve lost the sale. 

However, there is selling, and there is SELLING!  If you have to convince the prospect that your product is good, you are selling too hard.  More than likely, you will not sign that prospect.  Instead, I believe in presenting my product, answering the prospects’ questions, and then allowing them to decide what is best for them.  When it comes to recruiting, in particular, I do not want to work with anyone who does not want to work with me.  So, why try to convince them otherwise?  


·        I don’t know very many people – OR, I don’t like to ask my family and friends to buy my product or join my company.

Neither do I!  Most companies recommend that you talk to your “warm market” first.  Nearly my entire business is done on the internet.  However, although I have never asked my family or friends to purchase my product or tried to recruit them, they are aware of what I do.  Whatever “job” we have had, our families usually know what we do for a living.  It simply comes up in conversation.  By making people you know aware of what you do, they may well send referrals your way, or they may say, “Really?  I can use that!” or “What’s involved in working your business at home? 

·        I need to discuss this first with my spouse.

I never discourage anyone from talking to their spouse about the product or opportunity.  I do the same.  However, I always ask if we can schedule an appointment when I can speak to the prospect along with their spouse so that I can explain my service or the opportunity.  There are two reasons for this.  

1)  There are “dream stealers,” those people who automatically look at network marketing as illegal or a “scam,” and I’d like the chance to explain what my company is before they discourage their spouse; and

2)  The prospect doesn’t really know my product or company.  If the prospect tells their spouse about it, important details may be left out, or they simply may not present it well.  If I speak to the spouse, I will be sure they get all the information, and that they will get it correctly.

Of course, there will be other objections, but I have found these to be the most common.  Once you are comfortable with responding to your prospects’ objections, you’ll begin growing your business more quickly.  

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What do I need in my home office?

People looking for a network marketing business or just starting out often wonder whether they have everything they need to begin.  Because we’re all trying to earn money, not spend it, you’ll want to start out with the basics, which you likely already have.

Of course you’ll need a computer; either a laptop or desktop will do, with at least two browsers installed.  Fortunately, you can download browsers free online in most cases.  You may run across a website that will not operate properly in Internet Explorer, so you’ll want a back-up browser.

I’ve learned that, while Internet Explorer was once the browser of choice, there are a wide variety available now for both PC and Mac users.  Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Chrome and Safari are all very commonly used.

You’ll need a high speed internet connection, such as cable or DSL.  While rarely you’ll find a network marketer using a dial-up connection, it will not work with most high-tech websites today.  

You must have telephone access, and unlimited calling is preferable.  Some networkers use VOIP and Skype, google talk, etc., all of which are free or very low cost.  In most situations, these will work fine, but I’ve discovered that people using these services are sometimes unable to dial into conference call services.  So, you’ll want to check this out to determine whether that will effect you.

Of course, you’ll need basic office supplies like pens, stapler, paper, and you’ll also need a printer connected to your computer.  You will need a quiet dedicated work area away from the rest of your friends and/or family. The best workspace would be in a room with a door, but many just starting out use their kitchen table or a small computer table in the corner of a bedroom. This works fine for many people.  I also recommend good lighting and a comfortable desk chair.

If you have children, it is best if you can work when they are at school or sleeping, if someone in your home can care for them while you work, or if they play quietly while you work.  However, you may be working at home because you want to stay home with your children, and most callers would understand if there is a little noise in the background.  But if your children are crying for arguing, it is best to terminate the call and call the person back once your children are quiet again.

You do not need the computers and accessories with all the “bells and whistles.”  Most required features are included in today’s basic computers.

I recommend you not invest in your home office or your company - besides those costs required by your company - until you are in “profit” mode.  That is, when you’re earning enough to cover all your required expenses.

So, now you’re set to begin working your home business and earning some money!

Best of luck!

Friday, October 14, 2011

What Happened to Commitment?

Why do so many people today struggle with commitment?  Maybe you are having difficulties yourself. 
This is happening with our personal and business relationships, careers, business small businesses and network marketing.  It seems to spam all age groups. 

For example, young children who don’t want to be bothered going to soccer practice after the novelty wears off.  Another example is Baby Boomers who suddenly tire of and dump their spouses after 40 or more years.
Why do so many people launch with great enthusiasm into new ventures, but then lose interest with the first obstacle?  Why do so many people so easily abandon their goals. Many justify giving up by blaming the economy, the recession, the company with whom they are working, whatever excuse sounds good – even the weather.

In most cases, in reality, the real reason is lack of commitment.  Why are so many people lacking commitment?  Some reasons are based on our background, our upbringing or lack of self-discipline.

Some of the reasons related to a specific goal could be:
  • The goal is too big and feels impossible to achieve.
  • The goal is too small, so the reward is not worth the effort.
  • The wrong goal … setting goals on others’ expectations, not your own.
Is it too late to hope for improvement?  No, the recession has brought many people face-to-face with a new reality.  A new generation is learning that a college education is no longer a ticket to a job for life and a pension. That financial security depends more than ever on developing our own income  from more than one source.

So what is your level of commitment?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Team Motivation

There are many ways to keep your team motivated.   Here are a few.
·        It is important to keep your team members informed.
Be sure they are aware of everything that happens in the company that will effect them, directly or indirectly.  Hold regular meetings and/or conference calls.  We all feel more important if we feel like “insiders,” when we know about changes, improvements and news going on in the company.  If they feel as though they are not “in the loop,” their performance may suffer.
·        Acknowledge Accomplishments and Give Regular Feedback
Positive feedback is what keeps everyone moving forward.  It’s essential to improve your team’s work.  It’s not all about praises, but about objective and concrete information that helps them improve the performance of the team.  Don’t criticize if someone makes a mistake.  Instead, discuss ways they can improve their activities next time, asking for their input.
·        Praise Generously
Be sure to acknowledge and recognize a job well done, or even a great effort that perhaps didn’t provide the results they’d hoped for.   Don’t pass up an opportunity to make each person feel better about themselves and their work.
·         Leadership means learning to see the best in the others to empower their potential, which subsequently will help to fulfill the team’s goals.   When we treat everyone with respect and show our approval, we’re creating a climate where the team’s assets will actually appreciate in value.
·        Share the Vision
Create an exciting future by shaping a vision that it will compel your team to move toward it, to reach out and grab the prize.  Visions are powerful, and when they are shared and understood by your team, it helps to overcome any obstacles that may stand in the way.   

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs - the "King" of Entrepreneurs

I saw this posted on  It is such a well-written article, better than I could have written, I decided to share it here.  I give credit to the author at the bottom of this post.

STEVE JOBS 1955-2011

Steve Jobs was the Thomas Edison of our time. Just as the light bulb changed the way we looked at things so did the innovations that Steve imagined and produced. He was of the world's greatest marketers. We will miss him.

In his own words he expresses his philosophy of death elegantly:

“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs

The world has lost one of the great visionaries in history. Yet he continues on as in inspiration to all of us that seek innovation, perfection and success. Our condolences to his family and the folks at Apple Corporation, and all who admired him.

Robert Fleming
eMarketing Association 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Like the Farmer, Seed, Cultivate, Harvest

In many ways network marketing is like farming.  You must plant the seeds before you can harvest.  Then, it takes a while for the seeds to grow.  If properly cultivated and cared for, with just the right amount of rain and sunshine, there will be a harvest.

Ask any farmer, and they’ll tell you that it can be a difficult life, but it can also be a great one.  One can never plan for crop failure due to drought or too much rain.  Even the economy can effect farming.  In bad years, the farmer may have to work a second job to keep food on the table. 

The farmer requires the same work ethic that network marketers require.  Many new to network marketing learn quickly that it isn't easy.  Like farming, you have to plant seeds before you can harvest.  The seeds take time to grow. 

Even a certain amount of faith is required.  If you don't expect the seed to grow to harvest, it likely will not.  You spread the seed, expecting it to harvest.  You really don’t know if or when it will happen, but you must continue the process.

Like other network marketers, I had to go through the seeding and weeding process.  Many people believe they can go straight from seed to harvest.  That doesn’t work in network marketing any more than it does in farming.  You and everyone you sponsor in your organization must go through a growth process.

Your prospects and/or new team members must have enough faith in you (seed) to even begin the process.   Once they begin to learn, you and they must take action (cultivation).  Finally, your new team member - if you've weeded well - will begin to follow your instructions and start to duplicate what you have done (harvest).

Another way to look at the “seeding” is relationship-building, through your blog, forum posts, etc.  You plant a seed that sometimes, but not always, grows.  As the relationship grows, the seeds too may begin to grow, and eventually, you have developed a “good prospect.”  

With blogs and forums, you cannot go out with the intention of growing prospects, or the process will likely fail.  With the wrong purpose – growing prospects – you are simply advertising.  Whereas if your intent is to truly grow relationships, a happy “side effect” is that sometimes, prospects will develop.

Network Marketing cannot be all about the money.  It must be about people. Build relationships, help develop people into leaders; then the people will build their own businesses, resulting in the growth of your own.

A successful network marketer is constantly growing and becoming the person they were meant to be.  Along the way, they are helping others grow into leaders.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Contest, Competition - Great Motivators!

Competition and contests are a great way to motivate your team members. You can offer a prize to the team member with the most sales and/or recruits in a given period of time.  OR, you can have a competition between your team and another team leader’s team.  Whatever the goal is, remind your team members daily about it, & you can even ask them for updates and/or send out team updates.  Personally, I do not believe in giving out the names or exact number of those who are writing business, because it can discourage other team members.  However, you can announce that the team, as a whole, has signed X number of people, and there are X number of people really rising to the challenge. 

Competition is a great motivator for many people.  So, you can use it to your advantage and see your team numbers may well increase!

Be sure to provide a prize to the winner. I usually do not tell in advance what the prize will be.  I have given company-inscribed pens, mugs, T-shirts, and even gift cards.  The gift isn’t nearly as important as the contest itself, but again, it will serve in motivating your team.  It is amazing how hard people will work for an “unknown” prize!

Keeping your team members “hyped up” and excited about your company, your products and even being part of your team can go a long way in helping to motivate your team to work harder, and subsequently earn more.  Try to offer contests frequently.  They can be for very short periods of time, say one week, or for an entire month.  And if you change the contests, your team will be excitedly awaiting the next one.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

You are capable of more than you know...


“You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. Aim high. Behave honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. Persist! The world needs all you can give.”                 

Edward O. Wilson

Until quite recently, I did not believe this of myself.  

How fortunate I have been to have found a mentor who has assigned me tasks I thought I could not accomplish; asked more of me than I thought I was capable of doing; praised me and raised me up to believe in myself.

From the lessons I have learned from my mentor, I am now striving to "pay it forward."  I too want to help others to believe in themselves.  

As a Leader in network marketing, I now realize that it is my duty, an obligation, to help others grow their own sense of confidence, thus allowing them to reach heights they never thought they could.

Friday, September 30, 2011

How to Use Forums with Your Business

Many of us use forums, but I know there are some internet & network marketers who do not.  I doubt there is anyone on this call who hasn’t heard of Facebook,                       even if you’ve never used it.  Facebook is a forum.
·                                 Exactly what is a forum?  An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms, which many of you are also familiar with, in that messages are not shown in real-time, to see new messages the forum page must be reloaded...
·                                 An Internet forum is a web application for holding discussions and posting user-generated content. Internet forums are also commonly referred to as Web forums, message boards, discussion boards, electronic discussion groups or forums and bulletin boards.
Forums can help you grow your teams, without even placing a single ad on them! I highly recommend that you check some out and use them to help your business grow.  If you know of others (than those I’ll mention later in this call), please share with us.
There are myriad forums throughout the Internet.  Some are for single moms, some for work-at-home moms, some for people interested in politics, business, finances, genealogy or economy.  I’ll provide you with a few sites later in this call, but feel free to search the internet for forums geared toward a subject you enjoy.
The first thing you’ll do when you go to a forum is to register.  Many allow you to register with a “user” name rather than your actual name.  You can do that if you wish, but remember that “branding” yourself to promote your business is important, so forums may help you in that manner.
 When you first join a forum, take some time to read some of the posts before you begin posting yourself. That way you can get the “tone” of each forum, learn the environment, what element of society posts there and what type of discussions take place there.  Once you get to know what the forum is about, it is important to participate on these forums.  Don’t just register & read posts.  And DO NOT use your posts as advertisements for your business!
         When you join each forum, it is very important to read their rules.  They are different at each site.  You may be suspended or banned from a site if you violate their rules.  Don’t let that scare you.  These are rules, not laws.  The only penalty a forum site can impose is suspension or banning you.  Just read over their rules, and you can ask your sponsor or a forum member if you don’t understand something.
        Once you get used to forums, you’ll likely really enjoy getting to know other members, learning from them and contributing to them.  You’ll grow relationships with other posters.
Try to spend some time each day on your favorite forums.  I suggest you set a scheduled amount of time each week to participate in forums, and stick to it.
·        Also, you’ll want to join groups within the sites.  Search the groups available, and join those you think you may enjoy.  You can always “unsubscribe” from a group later if you wish.
Once you’ve established relationships in a group, a contact may ask you what you do.  At that point, feel free to say something like, “I sell xxxx with xxxx.”  That’s it.  Don’t go into a big presentation.  If they want to know more, they’ll ask.
Also, one of the best ways to get one of your contacts to ask what you do is to ask what they do first!  You must show interest.  As long as they are affiliated with a reputable company, you need not feel as though you’re being phony about it.  There is no business that’s a good fit for everyone, and just because their business isn’t something you’d like to do, it doesn’t mean that they don’t love what they do as much as you love what you're doing.  So, when they say they work for XYZ company, if you aren’t familiar with them, ask them about it.  If you do know their company – say it’s Avon – you can mention that you know what a really good company they are.  And something like, “It’s great that you found something you enjoy doing so much.”
·        Some of these sites offer a signature block, which means that every time you post on the site, you’re also posting a mini-ad.  I suggest your signature block contain your name, your company name, and one of your websites.
·        On WAHM, you must post 30 times before you qualify for a signature block.  You’ll want to post wherever you see a forum that seems interesting to you, but do NOT post just to get your 30 in.  You must be contributing to the “conversation.” 
            Some forums offer free or paid advertising.  If it’s free, be sure to take advantage of it, but keep in mind, oftentimes those ads will appear among the posts.  So you don’t want to place too many ads and appear to be using the site just for that purpose. 
Two VERY IMPORTANT items I’d like to advise you about when posting on forums.
1.      Anyone can join & read these forums.  Keep that in mind when you post.  For instance, on general forums, I avoid posting anything related to politics.  Since we all have different opinions about political affairs, I believe it could be harmful to my business relationships if I get involved in political discussions.
VERY Important!  NEVER bash or insult anyone or any company on a forum.  It is always against the rules, but more than that, it is rude & unprofessional.

There are probably hundreds of forums, some are just for women or men, some specific industry-related or hobby-related.  Using your browser, search for forums to use that you like.  Give several a try.  If you like one, great.  If not, you can delete your profile or simply not participate.

Forums are an excellent tool, but only when used properly.  So go out there, and enjoy posting!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Five "P's" to a Successful Home Business

Building a home business is not much different than owning and building any other business.  The keys to your success are very similar.  The following are what I call "The Five P's to Grow a Successful Home Business."
Be Persistent in everything you do with your business.  Don’t place three online ads, and wait for responses.  Place three ads every day.  Don’t call a prospect once, leave a message and give up.  Follow up with them.

A good, solid business takes time to build.  Is it worth it to you to work a few years to earn a six-figure income?  Most of us start out slowly.  Once you do start writing business, as long as you are Patient, more and more business will come your way.  The only way you will not achieve success is if you:

·        Do not focus or work on your business
·        Try to “reinvent the wheel.”  Do as you are trained by the leaders.
·        Quit

Sometimes live gets in the way for us all.  Things happen.  Problems arise in our personal and professional lives.  As long as you keep working your business, Persevere no matter what obstacles come up, you will build a successful business.

Attitude can make a difference between success and failure.  If you joined your company to “give it a try,” you’ve left the “back door” open to escape when the first obstacle arises.  If, however, you KNOW you will grow a successful business, if you are Positive that you can do it, you will, in your time.

Although Passion for your business will grow with time, even when you first begin, if you feel strongly about the company, about your products and/or service and about the business you intend to build, you already have the seeds of Passion.

After you’ve been in your business a short time, you’ve worked it and stayed focused on your goals, you will feel passionate about what you’re doing.  That Passion will help to push you toward the finish line.  It will help you strive for whatever your goals may be, and you will become your “best you!”

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Bit of Humor for the Weekend...

"Working from home meant we could vary snack and coffee breaks, change our desks or view, goof off, drink on the job, even spend the day in pajamas, and often meet to gossip or share ideas. On the other hand, we bossed ourselves around, set impossible goals, and demanded longer hours than office jobs usually entail. It was the ultimate "flextime," in that it depended on how flexible we felt each day, given deadlines, distractions, and workaholic crescendos. 

Diane Ackerman, One Hundred Names for Love: A Stroke, A Marriage, and the Language of Healing, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Social Network Marketing - Forums

Many of us use forums, but I know there are some network marketers who do not.  Nearly everyone has heard of Facebook, even if you’ve never used it.  Facebook is a forum.
·                                 Exactly what is a forum?  An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms, which many of you are also familiar with, in that messages are not shown in real-time, to see new messages the forum page must be reloaded...
·                                 An Internet forum is a web application for holding discussions and posting user-generated content. Internet forums are also commonly referred to as Web forums, message boards, discussion boards, electronic discussion groups or forums and bulletin boards.
Forums can help you grow your teams, without even placing a single ad on them! I highly recommend that you check some out and use them to help your business grow.  If you know of others (than those I’ll mention later in this call), please share with us.
There are myriad forums throughout the Internet.  Some are for single moms, some for work-at-home moms, some for people interested in politics, business, finances, genealogy or economy.  I’ll provide you with a few sites later in this call, but feel free to search the internet for forums geared toward a subject you enjoy.
The first thing you’ll do when you go to a forum is to register.  Many allow you to register with a “user” name rather than your actual name.  You can do that if you wish, but remember that “branding” yourself to promote your business is important, so forums may help you in that manner.
 When you first join a forum, take some time to read some of the posts before you begin posting yourself. That way you can get the “tone” of each forum, learn the environment, what element of society posts there and what type of discussions take place there.  Once you get to know what the forum is about, it is important to participate on these forums.  Don’t just register & read posts.  And DO NOT use your posts as advertisements for your business!
         When you join each forum, it is very important to read their rules.  They are different at each site.  You may be suspended or banned from a site if you violate their rules.  Don’t let that scare you.  These are rules, not laws.  The only penalty a forum site can impose is suspension or banning you.  Just read over their rules, and you can ask your sponsor or a forum member if you don’t understand something.
        Once you get used to forums, you’ll likely really enjoy getting to know other members, learning from them and contributing to them.  You’ll grow relationships with other posters.
Try to spend some time each day on your favorite forums.  I spend an hour or so on forums most days.  I work my home business full time.  But if you work a j-o-b along with your network marketing business, of course, you’ll have less time to spend on them.  But do try to set a scheduled amount of time each week to participate in forums, and stick to it.
·        Also, you’ll want to join groups within the sites.  Search the groups available, and join those you think you may enjoy.  You can always “unsubscribe” from a group later if you wish.
Once you’ve established relationships in a group, a contact may ask you what you do.  At that point, feel free to say something like, “I sell discount health & benefit plans with xxxx.”  That’s it.  Don’t go into a big presentation.  If they want to know more, they’ll ask.
Also, one of the best ways to get one of your contacts to ask what you do is to ask what they do first!  You must show interest.  As long as they are affiliated with a reputable company, you need not feel as though you’re being phony about it.  There is no business that’s a good fit for everyone, and just because their business isn’t something you’d like to do, it doesn’t mean that they don’t love what they do as much as you love your own network marketing company.  So, when they say they work for XYZ company, if you aren’t familiar with them, ask them about it.  If you do know their company – say it’s Avon – you can mention that you know what a really good company they are.  And something like, “It’s great that you found something you enjoy doing so much.”
·        Some of these sites offer a signature block, which means that every time you post on the site, you’re also posting a mini-ad.  I suggest your signature block contain your name, your business name and one of your websites.
·        On WAHM, you must post 30 times before you qualify for a signature block.  You’ll want to post wherever you see a forum that seems interesting to you, but do NOT post just to get your count up to 30.  You must be contributing to the “conversation.” 
            Some forums offer free or paid advertising.  If it’s free, be sure to take advantage of it, but keep in mind, oftentimes those ads will appear among the posts.  So you don’t want to place too many ads and appear to be using the site just for that purpose. 
Two VERY IMPORTANT items I’d like to advise you about when posting on forums.
1.      Anyone can join & read these forums.  Keep that in mind when you post.  For instance, on general forums, I avoid posting anything related to politics.  Since we all have different opinions about political affairs, I believe it could be harmful to my business relationships if I get involved in political discussions.
2.      VERY Important!  NEVER bash or insult anyone or any company on a forum.  It is always against the rules, but more than that, it is rude & unprofessional.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


 “We choose to go...not because [it is] easy, but because [it is] hard, because that goal will serve to measure and organize the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.

 John Fitzgerald Kennedy, American 35th US President (1961-63), 1917-1963

Saturday, September 17, 2011

97% Failure Rate MYTH in Network Marketing

Mike McClurg, author of this article, has given me permission to share it with others.  It is a very important "read."

"If you have ever heard of network marketing or been in network marketing you have heard the statistic that 97% of people fail. You hear that from people you are sharing it with, you hear it from people who are actually in network marketing. The question is it really true?

I would like to dispel that myth. That is a statistic people throw around because they heard someone else say it. That reminds me of a story I once heard. There was a Newlywed couple ; one day the wife decided she would make a roast for dinner. As she is preparing everything it's time to prepare the roast so she cuts the end of it off. The husband walks in  says why did you do that? She said that is how my mom always made it. So he asked did you ever ask your mom why? She said no but decided to call her mom and ask. So she did  her mom said that is how my mom always did it. So the granddaughter decided to call the grandmother and ask her. So when her grandmother answered the phone and was asked the question she said I always cut the end off because the pan was too small and it would not fit. The moral of the story is find out the truth and the reason why before perpetuating statistics or what someone says are facts, when really they are not facts at all.

The truth is 97% people in Network Marketing do not fail they quit. The truth is 97% of people quit network marketing just like they quit going to the gym, dieting, working on their personal growth, on their marriage, wanting to be a professional athlete, better golfer, salesman and everything else pretty much. People tend to quit at most everything not just network marketing and it is only about 3% of the population that don't. That 3% does not quit anything and that is why they are successful. It is not in starting but finishing and staying the course that brings the results. It also has to do with being properly trained and gaining a real understanding of network marketing. So the next time you hear that tell them it is not true."

Thursday, September 15, 2011

How to Select the “Right” Career at Home

Throughout the USA, people are seeking work at home.  There are some "jobs" available where the employee can work at home (telecommute).  It can be extremely difficult to find legitimate jobs, however, and there are limited positions available. So, a large percentage of the people who want to work from home are choosing to start their own home businesses.  There are a variety of reasons for the increase in home businesses.
  • Many want to supplement their income.  They work an outside j-o-b, but they're simply not earning enough to pay their bills in today's economy.
  • Stay-at-home moms and dads often want to contribute to the family income while they actually "parent" their children.  More and more parent in the generation currently raising young children place a higher priority than their parents did on staying at home with their children, rather than having caregivers raise them.  But they must sacrifice some of the "extras," because a single-income family often does not earn enough money – particularly in the present economy.  A good compromise for these parents is a home business.
  • Many retirees either want to stay busy after a lifetime of working; and many others cannot get by on Social Security and whatever savings or pension they may have.  Rather than getting a job where, once again, they must punch a time clock and fight traffic, for retirees, a home business is a great option.
  • Those with disabilities may not be able to afford to live on disability income (SSDI) alone; and many do not qualify for it, although they are unable to hold a job.
  • Many people simply want the fabulous tax advantages of a work-at-home career.

Finding reputable companies with whom to work can be time consuming and challenging.  There are hundreds, if not thousands of ads on the internet that are scams, compared to the relatively few that are respectable companies with real products.  Just spending an hour or two on the Internet seeking home businesses will result in discovering many that have no products and/or services.  They are in existence ONLY to recruit others into their "business."  They often promise huge incomes, while in reality, only a very few will truly earn any income at all.  And, of course, there are the companies that tell you that your computer will do all the work while you sleep!  Unfortunately, there are people who will believe this and invest money into these businesses, only to learn they were "ripped off."

Most home businesses are network or multi-level marketing.  Many well-known financial "gurus" now recommend network marketing.  Unlike the "pyramids" of the past, with network marketing and a good product or service, nearly anyone who works hard can be successful.  With multi-level marketing companies, at some point, if not at the very beginning, home business owners can earn additional income based on the sales of those who they bring into the business, their "downline."  With some network marketing companies, you will earn from only those who you personally enrolled, while others pay for two, three or unlimited levels in your downline.

So, how do you determine which home businesses are reputable and which one is a good fit for you?  There are many excellent companies, but no one business is right for everyone looking for work at home.

Research is extremely important when starting your own home business. If you have heard of the company and used their product or service, it will simplify your decision.  However, just because you've heard their name, it does not mean they are a reputable company!  Through the internet, it is not difficult to thoroughly check out a company before investing any money.

  • Keep in mind that some excellent companies have complaints filed against them for various reasons.  A former home business owner who was not successful may blame the company for their failure, when they simply did not work their business or didn't take advantage of the training available through their company.
  • Work-at-home forums often reveal information about various home businesses.  You have to be careful here though, because again, a disgruntled former business owner may not tell the entire truth.
  • Ask many questions.  Determine the true cost of working the home business you are researching.  Is there a start-up cost?  Is there a monthly fee?  If there is a monthly fee, do you receive benefits in exchange?  Is there adequate training and support?  What is the cost of the training, and by what means is it provided (in person, phone conferences, email, website)?  There are companies that tell you there is no start-up cost, but then they charge hundreds of dollars for the training – and you may have to travel great distances for training.  The better companies will offer unlimited training by phone, internet and email.
  • Learn about the product or service being offered.  Would you buy it?  What is the cost of the product?  No matter how great the product, if it is too expensive, you may not be able to sell it, particularly in today's economy.  If there are similar products available at stores at a lower price – even if it is not as good a product – it likely will be difficult to market.
  • Ask about advertising policies.  Can you use the company's name & logo in your advertising?  If not, why not?  Can you advertise on the internet, in newspapers, in the phone book, radio or TV?  Will the recruiter teach you how and where to advertise?
  • Determine whether the company pays a one-time commission or residual income.  With residual commission, you will earn money from each customer/client as long as they keep paying a monthly fee.  This generally applies to businesses that sell memberships or services, not products.  For instance, the client pays a monthly membership fee, and you earn a percentage of that fee each month.

    Once you have researched the company itself, it is a good idea to get to know the person who is recruiting you.  In most situations, that is the person who will be training you.  Are you comfortable speaking with the recruiter?  Is he/she easy to understand (accent, slurred words, talks too fast)?  Do you feel as though he/she is pressuring you to sign up?  Do they sound desperate or as though they are rushing you to make a decision?  Are they flattering you too much, sounding as though it's what they tell every prospect?  Have they trained others, or will you be their first?  Do you feel as though they are providing honest answers to your questions, or do they hesitate too long before answering?  Do they sound as though they enjoy doing their work?  Ask them about their availability for support and training.

    Once you feel comfortable with the recruiter, the product and the company, it's time to take a good look at yourself.  Will you, and can you apply yourself to your home business?  Are you able to work the required minimum hours necessary to succeed?  About ten hours a week is usually the minimum number of hours you need to actually work.   

    Are you disciplined enough to work with no one looking over your shoulder?  Are you comfortable talking – either in person or by phone – to strangers?  Although you may begin your business talking with your own network of friends, family or neighbors, eventually you'll have to approach strangers.  Will you take it personally if a prospect says "no?"  It takes many "no's" to get just one "yes," so you must be prepared to be told "no" many times without taking it personally or having your feelings hurt.

    Are you going to just give the business "a try?"  If so, you will likely fail.  If, after you've completed your research, you do not truly believe you can be successful, you probably will not.  If you do not really believe in the product or service you will be marketing, you will have a difficult time doing so.  Don't leave the "back door" open for an easy escape, because if you do, at the first bump in the road, you’ll quit.  You will have wasted your own time and that of your trainer.  Enter your business knowing that you will succeed and you will do whatever it takes to make that happen.

    Do you expect to be earning a living with your business in six months?  It is highly unlikely.  All real businesses – at home or brick-and-mortar, take time to build.  If you are unwilling to commit to at least one year working and building your business, you are wasting your time and money starting a home business. 

    If you consider other businesses outside the home, rarely are they successful immediately. Think of any independent restaurant (not a chain with a built-in reputation), a hair salon or a privately-owned retail store.  They all take time to build their clientele or customer base, and business advisers often tell new business owners to expect to make no profit for the first year!  Most home businesses can be earning a profit sooner, but don't expect it to happen within your first few weeks.  Although it happens occasionally, for most it does not.

    Finally, are you "coachable?"  Can you and will you follow the instructions of your sponsor, or are you a person who likes to find a "new way" to do everything, trying to "reinvent the wheel?"  In most established home businesses, there is a "system" in place that has proven to be successful.  If you cannot duplicate that system into your own business, you may have a difficult time growing your own business.

    Being a successful business owner takes patience, with your research of the prospective company and your business once you start it, and by constantly learning from people within your own company and the many motivational speakers and authors who teach how to succeed.  If, after thoroughly researching your business, you commit yourself to it, you will succeed.