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Thursday, July 19, 2012

You Are the TOPS!

It has been over a decade, 12 years to be exact, since I was what some would call a zaftig woman.  “Somehow” the weight had crept up on me before I realized that I was definitely “chunky.”  I made the discovery after seeing myself in a photo on a cruise with the Captain.  I was all dressed up, hair fixed, makeup on, and I looked terrible!

What to do?  I started researching my area for weight loss groups. I knew I couldn’t do it alone.   I mean no disrespect to anyone who sells weight-loss products, but I believe the only really healthy way to lose weight is by eating less and exercising.  There are even exercises for people who cannot stand!  

I found a group called TOPS, Take off Pounds Sensibly.  It is the oldest weight loss group in the world, yep, older that Weight Watchers.  The cool part is it is a non-profit support group.  They don’t require you to follow any particular diet.  They have speakers each week that do presentations about health-related subjects, and everyone supports everyone else.  Members weigh in once a week.  It is amazing, but it costs only $70 a year (some chapters a little less, some a bit more).  I have seen several TOPS members lose 85 to 100 pounds by following a healthy diet and attending meetings for support.

After my very TOPS first meeting, I began losing weight.  Since TOPS members can choose whatever diet they like, I chose using the “exchange” system, weighing and measuring my food.  It wasn’t easy.  It took me several months, but I finally reached the goal weight established by my doctor.  Over the years, as I got older, my physician raised my goal weight just a bit, and I have maintained that weight for over 11 years.

Then, along came health issues.  I was referred to a Cardiologist and am under his care.  During my last visit, he told me he wants me to lose another 10 to 15 pounds to put less stress on my heart. 

I am now 12 years older than when I first joined TOPS.  For the past three months, I have been struggling with trying to lose that weight.  My metabolism is slower now; I am no longer able to do the vigorous exercises I did when I was younger.  The only exercise I am allowed to do is walking, and I can only manage ½ hour at a time with my health problems.

I can tell you all these reasons why I have not lost any weight, but I realize that they are excuses.  Although I eat reasonable amounts of food, mostly healthy food, I have not gotten back into the weighing and measuring all my food that worked so well for me years ago.  I haven’t been able to “psyche” myself into doing what I know I need to do.  Even knowing that it isn’t good for my heart hasn’t given me the “kick in the rear” that I need.

So, I am putting this in writing, hoping that seeing it and letting “the world” know that I need to lose some weight might, just might give me the incentive to start losing today!

Another Sleepless Night

I am really tired today.  I have been trying to work, but I am unable to focus.  I cannot seem to concentrate on much of anything.

My mind has been way too busy lately.  Occasionally life "gets in the way."  So, I have had a few sleepless nights.  Last night was one of the worst I have had.

I went to bed pretty early, because I was nearly falling asleep watching TV.  As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was wide awake! 

It was hot in the room, so I got up and turned on the fan.  Still too warm, so I threw off the blanket.  Then, with the blanket off, the fan was blowing too hard, so I got up again and turned it down.  No luck.  I won’t even get into the number of times I visited the “loo” throughout the night.

I am an avid reader, so I thought I would read in bed until I fell asleep.  My bed-light bulb was burned out (now replaced), so I got a flashlight and read for a few minutes.  It was uncomfortable trying to hold the book and use a flashlight at the same time.  So, I took my book and went to the living room. 

On the couch, I read a few minutes when I realized I was both hungry and thirsty.  I dragged myself off the couch and got a glass of water and a couple crackers.  I felt a bit better, so I began reading again. 

Reading my book in a cool room, I began to relax.  Looking at the clock, I saw that it was past 3 AM.  Sometime after that, I dozed off for a few minutes.  When I woke up, it was nearly 4 AM. 

I left the couch and returned to my bed where I finally fell asleep.  I awoke at about 6:30 AM.  Normally a very early riser, this was really very late for me. 

So, here I sit knowing I should be working, but mostly staring at the computer monitor.  Hmm.  I’d better figure out a way to quiet my mind before bedtime tonight.  

To learn more about Julie Klein, visit

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