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Monday, October 21, 2013

Tips on Creating a Productive Home Office

Some of us are fortunate to have a great home office, but not all home business owners have that luxury.

The comfort, freedom, and convenience can be amazing, and certainly being your own boss is a dream come true for many. 

A large part of whether or not you are successful working from home depends on the environment in which you work.  If you work in a healthy, productive situation, you have a much better chance of succeeding with your internet marketing business. 

Distinguishing between our home life and our work life can be a major problem for those with home businesses.  Because of this, if you have not yet done so, select an area in your home where you will work.  If you have a separate room to use specifically as an office, that’s great.  If you do not, however, choose an area where you will work your business all the time, even if it is a small desk in the corner of your bedroom.  This is psychologically important.  When you sit down to work at the same place each day, you are telling yourself that it is time to work. 

Physically separating yourself from your home life is important, but mentally creating that separation is equally important.  One part of the mental separation is creating a specific work schedule, the hours that you will be working, which should not include the rest of the time that you are simply “at home.”  

Everyone is different, but I have found that getting dressed, fixing my hair and makeup puts me into “work mode.”  People talk about working in their pajamas.  I could not be productive that way.  Even though I am in my own home, I am “going to work,” and I must dress appropriately. 

If your family and professional life is not clearly separated, you may find that you’ll be less productive when you work, and you may not feel as relaxed during your family or leisure time. 

Regarding family life, this is an area that can be challenging for work-at-home parents.  Unless you have very young children, I suggest you discuss your plans for your home business.  Make it clear when you will be working and should not be disturbed.  If you are working in a “communal” area of your home, be sure everyone understands that your work hours are quiet times.  If you do not establish specific rules about what you expect from your family when you work, you will find it next to impossible to accomplish the work required to be successful. 

To prevent headaches and eye strain, whenever possible, use natural light in your work area.  If it is not possible to have natural light, studies have shown that “full-spectrum” light bulbs offer the best light for a work environment.  Although primarily a marketing term, full-spectrum bulbs generally have brightness similar to daylight, and the bulbs have the best color rendering capability. 

If your work chair is uncomfortable, it will become a distraction and you will likely work fewer hours.  The right chair helps keep us be more focused and improves our sitting posture.  Your chair should provide lumbar support and offer height adjustment. I have had a great experience with my own office chair, which was much less expensive than the many other options I found in my local office supply chair.  You are going for comfort, not expensive features that some stores offer.  My chair was less than $100. 

Research has shown that having one or more plants near your work area or office can help you be more productive, lower blood pressure and stress.  So, you may want to consider a plant or two. 

My final tip is to remember to take breaks!  It is easy to become so involved in our work that we sit at our desks too long.  Every three hours or so, take a break.  A 15 to 30 minute, even an hour break once a day can sharpen your mind and give you more energy.  If possible, go outside for some fresh air.  Take a walk.  We need a change of scenery when we work at home to keep us alert and to avoid “cabin fever.” 

Having a comfortable environment in which to work, with no distractions can greatly improve your productivity and frame of mind.  I hope these suggestions help you enjoy “going to work.”


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