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Monday, June 18, 2012

The Future Me

I read a question on a website asking about the future me.  In a perfect world, what will my life be like in the future?

The question got me thinking.  I am a “mature” woman.  Both my parents lived well into their 80’s, and my grandmother lived to 93.  So, with longevity on my side, I may still be around in 20 years.  So, let me tell you what the “future me” will be doing – assuming that “perfect world.”

My husband and I have had our house up for sale for nearly a year.  This is not a good time to try to sell a house.  The “future me” will have our house sold, and we will be living in California, close to our children and grandchildren.  We will be living in a nice, safe and quiet neighborhood with a lovely home.

My “future me’s” health is of great importance.  I have health issues now, which my parents did not have at my age. I have taken care of myself my entire life, always staying active and exercising, keeping my weight pretty much under control and eating fairly well – if not quite as healthfully as I should.  I never smoked, used drugs or overindulged in adult beverages. 

Therefore, there was not too much I could have done differently to prevent my health problems.  However, if the conditions do not worsen, I may live well into old age.  The “future me” will be in decent, though not excellent health, mobile, self-sufficient and able to enjoy the pleasures in life.

Throughout my life I saved money, building an income for our retirement.  With the global recession, my investments took a heavy hit – just at the time when I would like to have been able to begin to live on them.  The “future me” will live in a greatly improved economy, increasing my investments dramatically.

This leads to another thing the “future me” will be enjoying - a great income from my Xpress Healthcare business.  Unlike many in network marketing, I am earning a decent income from my home business.  Decent, but not the six-figure income everyone talks about.  I am fortunate that my business continues to grow, but the “future me” will have that six-figure income, enabling me to enjoy my “senior” years traveling and doing whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it.

It is fortunate that I work in the business I do, because it provides me with supplemental health, dental and other great discounts to save me money in various areas of my life.  As long as I am able to sit at a desk and use my computer, I can continue to work if I choose to do so well into old age.

Hopefully this blog will encourage you to think about the future you, where you will be and what you will be doing.  I hope we can all be there together!