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Monday, November 12, 2012

3 Cheers to Nordstrom!

For a couple weeks now, I’ve been seeing Christmas decorations and commercials.  When I went to our local mall this morning, I saw that Santa’s “throne” was all set up so Santa can accept children’s wish lists.

Have you seen this online? 

“At Nordstrom, we won’t be decking our halls until Friday, November 23rd.  Why?  Well, we just like the idea of celebrating one holiday at a time. 
From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving. 
Nordstrom will be closed Thanksgiving Day. 
On Friday, our doors will open to welcome the new season.”

Hooray for Nordstrom!  I’ll bet they will get more business than the other stores, because people will appreciate this!  I am certain I’m not alone when I say I dislike that here in the USA, businesses go straight from Halloween to Christmas, pretty much skipping Thanksgiving. I realize the economy has hit businesses hard, but trying to get us to buy holiday gifts for two whole months is ridiculous!

I am Jewish, so Christmas is not a religious holiday for me.  I imagine that Christians are more bothered by the commercialization of the holiday than I am.  It appears to me that outside of churches Christmas is no longer looked upon as the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. 

The association of Santa Claus, Christmas trees and gift giving with Christmas is far from new, of course.  It seems to me though that the commercialization and lengthy extension of the holiday season has gotten much worse over the last decade.

I always enjoyed Thanksgiving, which until a few years ago was a big family event.  My husband and I no longer have local family, so Thanksgiving will be just the two of us.  I am so very grateful however, to have my wonderful husband with whom I will spend the holiday.

I hope that those of you in the United States do not skip over the important holiday of Thanksgiving.  It is a time to be with those you love, a time to give gratitude for the people in our lives and the amazing country in which we live.

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