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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How Can I Gain Self-Confidence?

If you are not confident in yourself, it can be contagious.  Others will not be confident in you, which can be detrimental to building a business and/or improving your life. 

It is not possible to simply snap your fingers, and “ta-da,” you are self-confident.  Gaining self-confidence is a process, and it is unlikely to happen quickly.

However, building self-confidence is achievable for anyone who wants it badly enough.  It takes determination, focus and a little time.  Self-confidence comes from achievement.  And you are in control of your achievements. 
If you believe you lack confidence in yourself, whether it is in your personal or professional life, take time to think about the direction you want your life to go.  What are your goals? Write them down, both your long term and short term goals. What is it you want to achieve in your personal or professional life?  Then, commit yourself to reaching those goals and achieving everything about which you now only dream.
Start by looking at your life.  What have you achieved so far in your life about which you are proud?  They need not be huge accomplishments.  Did you earn a college degree?  Did you work with a charitable group that helped many others?  Did you pass an exam, or were you selected for a position you wanted?
No matter how small, think of ten things you achieved in your adult life, and write them down.  Put them somewhere that you’ll see them frequently – on a bulletin board perhaps or the refrigerator door – to remind you that you have achieved a lot already in your life.
My mentor once asked me, “What do you think is more important, working on your strengths or your weaknesses?”  I immediately replied that I should work on my weaknesses.  Wrong!  We should instead use our strengths to help us grow.  Don’t dwell on our weaknesses.  I was surprised to see that when I followed his advice, my strengths got even stronger, but at the same time, my weaknesses were minimized. 

Concentrate on your strengths, and you’ll find that your confidence will grow.  EVERYONE has strengths, even if you don’t believe you do.  Pay attention to the negative talk in your head.  “I can’t” should be eliminated from your vocabulary.  If you catch yourself thinking or saying it, quickly change the words to “I will.”
Change your vision of your future.  Create your mental picture to see yourself achieving the goals you have set for yourself.  You can start small, and then allow yourself to grow your vision.  You can use imagery to picture yourself in a year, in five years or ten, having achieved many of the goals you set out to complete. 

Commit yourself to success, and you will achieve it!  When you find self-doubt rising to the surface, use self-talk to challenge it.   Remind yourself that you can achieve all you have set out to do. 

I don’t believe for a minute that this process is easy or quick.  It is neither.  It will take time and repetition.  Like “The Little Train that Could,” remind yourself that you CAN do everything to which you have committed yourself.  You CAN and you WILL build the professional and personal life that today seems to be only a dream.

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