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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Trust Starts with Truth and Ends with Truth

The title of this post is a quote from Santosh Kalwar, in Quote Me Everyday.  It is such a valid statement. 

Trust is a huge factor in network marketing.  “Hype” is too often used to promote business opportunities.  When I was seeking a home business, I didn’t even consider one that was making unrealistic promises.  I don’t trust people who are dishonest, and I consider hype dishonest.  There are a variety of definitions of hype, but I found this one that fits how I perceive it…
To intensify (advertising, promotion, or publicity) by ingenuous or questionable claims, methods, etc.; to trick; gull.

In order to grow a network marketing team or sell our service or product, I believe in the slogan, “Honesty is the best policy.”  I have found that by telling the truth, the whole truth, I am able to build a rapport with my prospects, and with that, I earn their trust.  

When presenting our opportunity or products, if we appear nervous, it puts people on alert, making them wary about what we are telling them.  If we know our business and products well, however, we will be confident about what we are telling them, and our confidence will help us to gain their trust.

Everyone likes to be heard.  Even the best sales “pitch” will be ineffective if we are not listening to what our prospects have to say.  When we give them the opportunity to express themselves and ask questions, we are demonstrating our interest in them and showing them respect.  People are much more likely to trust what we have to say if we are listening to what they are saying or asking about your product and what they are seeking in a business opportunity.

Telling anyone who cares to listen how John Smith earned $1000 his first week with your business, does not tell as much about your or your company as does your own story.  Our testimonials are far more effective marketing tools than explaining every feature and benefit of our business.  I personally use the Xpress Healthcare discount savings plans that I sell, so I’ll share that I save nearly two hundred dollars quarterly by using my Xpress plans to purchase my prescriptions; and on my last routine dental visit, the cost was reduced by $50 when I used my plan.

Exaggerating our company’s earning potential or the benefits of our products may even cause us to lose a sale.  When I was shopping for a business, I ended several “pitches” because of unrealistic claims.  Honesty earns us the trust and respect of our prospects.  Gaining their trust is far more likely to will help us make a sale than all the hype in the world.

Earning and maintaining someone’s trust is far easier than trying to regain it once you have lost it.

To contact Julie Klein or learn more about Xpress Healthcare, visit