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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I'd Like to Work in Network Marketing, but...

Exactly what is network marketing?
So, you’ve heard so many people talking about working in network marketing, and that it is the business of the future. Are you trying to figure out exactly what online network marketing? Many people do not really understand what it is.

From the name alone, Network Marketing, you probably have a vague idea that it is some kind of marketing strategy, and in recent years, it is performed mostly online. You can work out of your own home. You don’t have to fight traffic or pay for a babysitter. The fact that you can work at home makes online network marketing appealing to most everyone. Plus, whoopee! No boss!

With network marketing, independent sales reps are not only compensated for their sales, they are also paid for bringing new people into the business. Most companies call these new people their “team” or “downline.”

With some companies, the reps are also paid for the sales made by their downline. So, the more new recruits and the more sales you bring in, the more money you are going to earn. Once you have grown a sizeable team and made many sales, you could be making a great deal of money. Remember, however, there are no guarantees. Your success is mostly in your own hands.

Understanding What Makes Network Marketing Work
Learn all about the company’s compensation plan, commission structure and pay schedule. Your downline and how your company will compensate you for their sales is what builds your network marketing business. Be sure you fully understand the pay structure before joining a company.

Choosing the Right Company
There is NO one company that is right for everyone.

> Some people enjoying doing party plans, selling everything from makeup to baskets to gourmet foods.
> Others like a business they can do entirely online. There are hundreds of companies that sell weight-loss, supplement and various other health products.
> My company, Xpress Healthcare, sells discount plans (NOT insurance) to help its members save money on their dental and health costs and many of their lifestyle expenses.

There are myriad other types of network marketing businesses, far more than I can cover here. Select one that is a good fit for you. Would you buy their product or service? Are you passionate about it? If you would not buy their product, you will not be able to sell it to others. Is the price of the product or service reasonable? No matter how great it is, if the price is too high, people will not buy it.

Follow these steps to help you make your decision.

• Research – Do your homework! Don’t jump right into any business without taking time to do some digging. Find out what the company’s track record is. How long have they been in business? Some people love joining “start-up” companies, which is fine if they are willing to take the risk. Don’t restrict your research to the company’s own websites. Check third-party sites to see what those outside the company say about them.

• Ask Many Questions – If no one is willing to answer your questions, run the other way. You need your questions answered to determine if a company is a good match for you. But check their website too, because the answers to your questions may all be spelled out, which will save both you and the rep time. If you are made to feel rushed or you cannot get straightforward answers, perhaps there is something to hide. If you do not like the person trying to recruit you for any reason, but you love the company, find another rep.

• Read and Understand the company’s Policies and Procedures or Terms and Conditions – Virtually all companies have some restrictions. Be sure to read them carefully. A restriction in their Policies may be that you are prohibited from using the company’s name and/or logo on your ads, or it may be something as extreme as to say that your contract with the company can be terminated at any time, with or without cause. The latter means you could build up a business and an income, and the company can then terminate your contract and you’ll lose all the time and money you have invested and earned. Nearly all companies prohibit their reps from working with their competition, but some restrict them from working any other business at the same time. Cross-recruiting is prohibited by nearly all companies. That means if you work with more than one company, you cannot try to recruit people from one company for the other.

Do not rush into a contract with a company until you’ve looked at several others. You can wait a day or two, then look at the business again.

Once you find a network marketing company about which you are really excited, you’ll likely want to jump right in. You are much more likely to be successful if you have used the tips above.

To learn about Julie Klein and the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity, please visit .

Learn how you can Save Money on Your Health and Dental Costs AND Save on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and much more at (NOT insurance).