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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

New Target for Identity Thieves

Most parents have never given it a thought.  They may be concerned that their child might become ill, be bullied or not do well in school.  Parents of young children should add to that list.

A report released in December 2012 by Identity Theft Assistance Center, a non-profit organization, stated that among children under 18 years of age, one in every 40 households have been effected by child identity fraud.

Among adult who have their identity stolen, it is difficult to track down the thief and repair the damage.  With children, however, it is even more difficult.

Cyberthieves use children’s Social Security numbers more than any other piece of information.  Most parents apply for Social Security cards for their children when they are born.  Then they file or lock away the card, never giving it another thought.

Unfortunately, thieves now often attach these freshly-issued Social Security numbers to a variety of names and birthdates and set up new identities.  They then use the fraudulent identifications to obtain credit, apply for driver’s licenses, apply for government benefits and even access medical care.

Because the parents haven’t looked at their children’s Social Security or credit rating, the illegal activity may not be discovered for years.  A study conducted in 2011 found that the Social Security numbers of 10.2% of children in the United States were used by someone, a far higher rate than those of adults at 0.2%.

The possibility of how the child’s future will be impacted is dreadful to think about.  The child’s application for student loans may be denied; they may not be able to get a job, a mobile phone or even a place to live.

Children should not have a credit record.  If they do, it is a “red flag” that someone has fraudulently used their identity.

There are a few steps parents can take to prevent their child’s ID from being used.  Shred any and all papers containing account or Social Security numbers for everyone in the family. Do not carry your child’s or your own Social Security number (SSN) with you.  If your child’s school asks for their SSN, ask it is optional. If not, find out from the school’s district office how the information is safeguarded.  Teach your children that it is dangerous to give out personal information over the phone or internet.  This also applies to adults.  Check with your child’s physician’s office to see what precautions they use to protect their records.

No matter how careful we are, we cannot possibly guarantee that our children or our own identity will not be stolen, but taking these steps can greatly reduce the possibility.

Finally EVERYONE should have Identity Theft Protection, no matter their age.  There are several companies that provide ID Theft Protection.  Among the best is Lifelock® ID Theft Protection. 

Xpress Healthcare offers Lifelock® for only $19.95 per month for your immediate family that lives with you.  With Xpress Healthcare, Lifelock® is included in a package of discount benefits that includes Pet Care, Roadside Assistance, Legal Services and a Cash Back Rewards mall. 

All five discount services in our Lifestyle Select plan will cost you and your immediate family less than $20 per month!  You can even take a 14-day trial to check out the benefits for only $4.95 (shipping & handling fee).  You can learn more about this discount plan at