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Thursday, August 1, 2013

97% of Network Marketers Fail – Or Do They?

I have read many articles on the Internet saying that 97% of those in network marketing fail.  Personally, I don’t believe it.  I researched it a bit, trying to find the source of this number.  Where did it come from, and why do so many people repeat it as fact?

I believe many people are simply using the wrong word when applying the success rate for network marketers.

I don’t truly know the exact percentage, but 97% is probably fairly accurate, but not for those who fail.   It is likely that about that percentage QUIT before they ever put in any real effort.  Too many people want success handed to them.  Although it is true that those of us who own network marketing businesses don’t have a boss, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have to work. 

Those of us who became home business owners and truly plan to succeed – not just want to succeed – know that we must work very hard to reach the goals for which we are striving.  I work much longer hours for myself than I ever did when I worked for someone else.  But that’s the point, I am working to grow a business for myself!  I am working to build a residual income that will last me the rest of my life - even after I decide I don’t want to work my business anymore. 

For those of us who are fortunate to have found a business we love, a product or service we’re passionate about work long hours, but without the stress and dissatisfaction we had when we worked a j-o-b.  I can hardly wait to begin working each morning.  And before I know it, it’s evening and I wonder where the day went?  I enjoy what I’m doing, so it doesn’t feel like work.

Having been in network marketing for several years now, I’ve seen far more people join my team and quit than I’ve seen join believing that “quitting is not an option.”  97%?  I really don’t have statistics, but it may well be close.  However, those who have remained with my team are growing a successful business, as am I.  We are the winners!

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