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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Leaving California

I was born in Los Angeles, California.  I worked for many years in the administrative end of law enforcement, so I was acutely aware of the rising crime around me.  Add to that the traffic everywhere in Southern California, and smog.  And then, there were earthquakes.  One day, my husband and I began to discuss escaping.

We took a driving trip to Arizona, traveling throughout the state for two weeks.  We came across a small city in a rural area that we liked immediately.  It was really pretty, low crime, no smog, no traffic.  Everything that we disliked about California was absent in this city.

We put our California house on the market and moved to Arizona.  It’s a beautiful area, totally black skies at night.  Our Arizona house sits at the base of some beautiful mountains, often covered in snow in the winter.  Ideal temperature, with a light dusting of snow each winter.  Our house is fabulous, much bigger than the two I’d owned in California. 

Then, our children, who were just out of their teens when we left California, grew up.  They had children.  We were grandparents!  We loved it, except, by then all the kids and grandkids were living in California.  It didn’t happen suddenly, but over a period of a couple years, we began to really miss our family.  As we’ve gotten older, we cannot travel as easily or frequently to see them as we did when we first moved to Arizona.
So, now our house in Arizona is on the market.  The housing market is not good.  We began trying to sell our house last July, and here we are in April, with our house unsold.

My dream would be to pick up our house and move it to California near our family.  Whatever house we buy in California – whenever that may be – will be much smaller.  We’ll have to adjust.

It is funny how our priorities change throughout our lives.  I’m not looking forward to living in California, with the even worse traffic and crime, but my desire to spend more time with my family outweighs what I dislike about it.

I am so fortunate to have my home business.  I can work here in Arizona and just as easily in California.  There will be nothing different about that aspect of my life.  And since I work primarily online, I don’t have to move much more than my desk. 

So, I’ll happily continue working my business while I await the sale of my house and another new chapter of my life.