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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hooray for the U.S. Postal Service!

The United States Postal Service was established on July 26, 1775, with Benjamin Franklin being the first Postmaster General.

Throughout my life, I’ve heard jokes about the poor service the USPS provides. Then between 1986 and 1997, more than twenty incidents of workplace rage occurred with dozens of people shot and killed, bringing about the term “going postal.”  These incidents only brought about further negativity toward the USPS.

In more recent years, United Parcel Service and FedEx have grown and expanded their services, competing with the postal service.  During the last couple decades, the Internet and email became commonplace in nearly every home in America, further reducing the need for the USPS. Over the past several years, USPS has contracted with UPS and FedEx for air transportation for US mail.  The price of postage has increased numerous times and will be raised once again in 2013.

“For centuries, our universal mail system has strengthened the bonds of friendship, family, and community. Our system has encouraged civil discourse, disseminated information, and bolstered the national economy — both as the hub of a vital industry and as a trusted courier of the nation’s and world’s business.”

This quote from the USPS website is a brief synopsis of what postal service has done for our country.  Although people complain about lost mail or slow mail service, I find it amazing that they successfully handle and deliver millions of pieces of mail and packages with so few being lost.

Over the years, mail has been delivered by stagecoach, on horseback, on trains, airplanes, boats, cars and trucks, in addition to the thousands of letter carriers that still walk routes delivering mail. 

At one time, mail was hand delivered to the recipient. Over the years mail boxes became the norm, and standards were established for the size of them.  Most people don’t realize it, but it is a Federal offense for anyone other than a letter carrier to place anything in mail boxes.  In fact, mail boxes  belong to the US Postal Service.

Over the last few years to mail packages, I have been creating address labels and paying postage on the USPS website. They now even offer door-to-door pick up of Priority Mail packages.  I use this service frequently for my personal and business packages.  When I sent out all my Christmas packages this year, they were picked up right at my front door. 

The USPS even added a Flat Rate service in a variety of envelope and package sizes. No matter how much it weighs, if it fits inside, you’ll only pay the rate for that size package.  You can pick up the envelopes and boxes at your post office at no charge or order them online to be delivered to you.

I know this seems like a commercial for the post office, but I am simply a fan offering well-deserved praise to the much-maligned USPS.

To learn about Julie Klein and the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity, please visit . You can work from home and earn residual income.

To learn how to Save Money on Your Health and Dental Costs AND Save on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and much more, please visit (NOT insurance) 

What Are You Waiting For?

I avoided all the stores on Christmas Eve day altogether. My husband and I “walked the mall” on Monday as we do early every morning. Normally, all the stores are closed, and the only other people we see are the other “mall walkers.” On Monday, however, though only 8 AM, all the stores were open, and there were many people shopping.

I am not a shopper. I don’t enjoy shopping, and I especially dislike shopping at times when stores are crowded. Obviously, I am in the minority. Driving by Walmart on Monday, I saw that the parking lot was totally full, with people driving in circles looking for a space.

I don’t really understand it. It isn’t like Christmas was a surprise. Everyone knew it was approaching. What makes some people wait until the last week, or the last day in particular? I have a theory when it comes to many men. (This is a generalization and does not apply to all men, so don’t be offended guys.) I believe that in most families, the women do the Christmas shopping, which leaves the men to shop only for their wives' gifts. Men think and think, trying to think what to buy their wives. Finally, in the last couple days, they get desperate and go shopping to get something, anything! Often it ends up being jewelry since nearly all women like receiving jewelry. 

For those in the United States, we’ve been watching our “leaders” in Washington fighting about how to prevent the US from going over the “fiscal cliff.” THEY knew it was coming for months! In this case, the procrastination was pure politics. They weren’t about to begin to discuss it until after the Presidential election. Now, it’s down to the wire, and what do they do? They go on vacation!

Am I the only US citizen who thought they should have stayed in Washington until the situation was resolved? Sure, everyone wants to spend Christmas with their families, but this is an emergency situation. We are paying them to do what is right for the country WHEN it needs to be done – not at their convenience. So they will likely come up with a temporary agreement and kick the can down the road. 

Then there are those who want to work at home. For weeks, maybe even months, they browse the internet looking for a business. They call reps from a variety of businesses, asking question after question. But, for some reason, they are not quite ready or they are afraid to take a chance.

“I don’t like making phone calls.” “I’m no good at sales.” “I don’t think I have enough time to work a business.” “I tried network marketing with the ABC Company and failed.” (Translation, they quit before putting in any effort.) Etc, etc, etc.

Get your holiday shopping done before the crowds get chaotic. Congress and Mr. President, behave like grown-ups and negotiate a deal! If you’re seeking a home business, find one and stop making excuses. 

As Napoleon Hill said, “Don't wait. The time will never be just right.”

To learn about Julie Klein and the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity, please visit . You can work from home and earn residual income.

To learn how to Save Money on Your Health and Dental Costs AND Save on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and much more, please visit (NOT insurance) 

Another One Bites the Dust

As we approach the end of 2012, I’ve been thinking about the many things that happened, both good and bad, in the United States and worldwide.

Before looking on the internet to remind myself of what transpired during 2012, a few things stood out in my mind. Several terrible weather-related events occurred in the United States and in other countries.

I am saddened to remember the many mass shootings, mostly in the United States, once again bringing the gun control/gun rights debate to the forefront.

The United States Presidential Election was in the news throughout the year, the results of which angered some while others rejoiced.

The Summer Olympics was a very bright spot among the many negative events of the year. I was practically glued to my TV for two weeks, cheering on the U.S. team and thrilled that they won so many events; and I was in awe of the athletes from so many countries demonstrating their talent and determination.

I did browse the internet after thinking about my quick recollections, and I was reminded of more events and details of those I mentioned above.

We lost several celebrities this year. Dick Clark and Whitney Houston were the first to come to my mind. Very recently actors Jack Klugman and Charles Durning died, and Larry Hagman, Andy Williams passed earlier this year. Zig Ziglar, the self-help author and motivational speaker, died not long ago after helping millions of people. We lost Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon last August. Many more actors, singers, politicians and other well-known people passed away this year, but listing them all would fill this page. Each loss saddens us.

There were actually 16 mass shootings during 2012. How they can be prevented is a very complicated issue, but I hope the matter remains in the forefront and we begin initiating ways that we can thwart further killings.
In total, eighty-four people were needlessly killed this year. All but five were murdered in the United States. I am neither so brilliant nor so bold to think I know how this should be handled, but something must be done.

Hurricane Sandy, the “Super Storm,” killed and injured people throughout the Caribbean, the Bahamas, Cuba and the United States. The losses from Hurricane Sandy in New York and New Jersey alone are estimated at $71 billion! There were other hurricanes, tropical storms, tornadoes, floods, fires and extreme snow storms this year as well, causing havoc, deaths, a great deal of damage and injuries. What do you think folks? Is it “Climate Change?”

In the United States, there were heated discussions about abortion, gay marriage, immigration, tax cuts, the environment, the national debt, and high gas prices (which have thankfully gone down – at least temporarily).

I doubled my Xpress Healthcare business income since 2011, which definitely enhanced my year! My family is healthy and doing well, a very good thing. My husband and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary on January 1st to begin 2013.

I am looking forward to a wonderful new year, and I pray for far fewer horrible events next year than this one. My wish for us all is that we have a healthy, safe, happy and profitable 2013!

To learn about Julie Klein and the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity, please visit . You can work from home and earn residual income.

To learn how to Save Money on Your Health and Dental Costs AND Save on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and much more, please visit (NOT insurance)