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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Groaning, Popping and Creaking

As I celebrate another birthday, it makes me wonder, exactly when did I begin groaning when I get up from a chair?  When did I start hearing popping and creaking noises when I move? 

Let me say up front, I am grateful that I’ve lived as long as I have.  Many people don’t make it to my age – like one of my sisters who died at only 62. 

It is an odd thing, but over the past few years, it seems that most conversations I have with family and friends lead into our health issues.  We all have them once we reach a “certain” age.  Sharing our medical problems with others certainly doesn’t ease the pain or improve the condition.  And yet, it seems nearly all “seasoned” citizens talk about and compare their various ailments.

I am not old, and yet when it comes to all the warnings we hear about in medication commercials, I am considered part of the “elderly.”  Aren’t elderly people sitting in their rocking chairs on the front porch? 

The general concept of “old” has changed since I was a child.  I remember my grandmother as always being old, and yet when I do the math, she was really only in her 60’s when I was a child.  I know that the older I get, the younger “my age” seems to me.  I no longer look at a 70-year-old man as an “old man.” 

Thanks in part to modern medicine, but even more than that, “older” people today are more active for much longer than previous generations.  I think that attitude has a lot to do with it.  I am part of the Baby Boomer generation, and we are all at or near Medicare age.  Isn’t that for old people?

Well, I for one am grateful I have reached another birthday.  With all my aches and pains that come as a “side effect” of aging, I will take them all.  I am not planning to go “anywhere” soon. 

Learn how to reduce your Health and Dental expenses AND reduce costs on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and even more at (NOT insurance).

To learn about Julie Klein and how you can be successful in network marketing, look at the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity at  

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

This is Just Another Pyramid Scheme

Those of us in network marketing have heard this dozens, perhaps even hundreds of times!  In my opinion, it is a ridiculous statement!  

In Corporate America, companies have a CEO, Vice-Presidents, Supervisors & Managers and the General Workers.  Somehow THIS business model does look like a Pyramid!  The guy at the top makes far more than those below him.  In network marketing, those who join on the lower levels have as much opportunity as those “above” them to earn a large income.  They are not limited by “titles,” and if they work hard—patiently, consistently and persistently, they can earn as much or more than those who joined before them.

It can be annoying to hear prospects—or friends and family—refer to our businesses as a Pyramid Scheme.  We know we have a real, legitimate business, and that term automatically indicates that others believe it is a scam.

I can be difficult to respond to people who refer to our businesses in that way without sounding defensive or offending them.  We all know that there definitely are scams, Pyramid “Schemes,” but they are in the minority.  A very important part of being able to answer people is that WE must totally believe in our companies and KNOW that they are reputable. 

Another misconception many people have is that when they join a network marketing company, they are paying to get a job.  “Why should I have to pay for a job?”  It is our responsibility to educate them about the difference between a job and owning a business. 

I have found some people—even with an explanation—simply don’t “get it,” and obviously there is no sense in even trying to recruit them.  No matter what we say, some people will still believe that if they have to pay, it is illegal. 

On the other hand, if a prospect IS actually seeking a JOB, there is no reason to try to change their mind.

Some network marketers don’t understand that everyone is NOT qualified to work in the industry, nor will they ever want to do so.  For instance, if I refer someone to my website to learn more about the business and they do not go there, I do not want them on my team.  They cannot follow instructions.

Know when to move on to the next prospect.  No matter how hard we try, some people will never understand that network marketing is a perfectly legitimate industry.  Others will never understand why they have to pay to work with our companies.  Know that the prospect is not a good candidate.  Next!

Learn how to reduce your Health and Dental expenses AND reduce costs on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and even more at (NOT insurance).

To learn about Julie Klein and how you can be successful in network marketing, look at the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity at  

Saturday, July 27, 2013

When is the Best Time to Join the Network Marketing Industry?

I can almost hear everyone reading this post responding to this question with a resounding, “Now!” 

The first network marketing companies began decades ago.  Fuller Brush, Avon, Tupperware and Mary Kay are highly respected network marketing companies, and some have been around for over a century.  Somewhere along the line, the reputation of the industry changed due to unscrupulous companies coming on the scene and defaming the industry in a variety of ways.

Over the last 20 years or so, the field of network marketing as grown tremendously with hundreds, perhaps even thousands of new companies emerging.  Unfortunately not all of the new companies were reputable.  So, the industry still suffers the “bad rap” to a degree.

People have been involved with direct selling far longer than multi-level marketing, but MLM’s added a twist.  Although MLM’s, often referred to as network marketing companies, are a form of direct sales.  In MLM’s, however, distributors can earn money in two ways, by selling a product or service and by building a sales organization through which they can also earn commission.  Distributors can earn money from the sales made by their organization, also known as their team or downline.  Since their teams may consist of multiple levels, the term multi-level marketing was coined. 

By gleaning a several websites, I discovered that there are an estimated 50 million network marketing distributors worldwide.  About 55,000 people join the industry every week, and 150,000 join throughout the globe.  The United States leads the pack in MLM earnings, with Japan in a close second place.  About a dozen other countries have at least $1 billion in sales.

About 3% of MLM distributors earn more than $35,000 a year.  About .5 % earns the often-hyped six-figure income. The vast majority in the industry work their business part-time, with the hope of simply supplementing their income.  Only about 20% work their business full time.

I believe we would all guess that there are more women than men in MLM’s, and we would be right.  About 25% of those in the industry are men.  The number of males in MLM’s is growing since more companies that are not in the “beauty” arena are enjoying rapid growth.

The MLM industry is an excellent choice for people with physical disabilities, and they total about 8% of direct sellers.  The largest percentage of those in direct marketing is in the “stay-at-home mom” age range, between 25 and 44 years of age.  Seniors are a growing part of MLM distributors, not yet a major presence, but as more “baby boomers” retire, it is likely that the “seasoned citizen” percentage will grow.

Network Marketing is an ever-growing industry, with a huge growth spurt during the past decade.  For anyone considering joining an MLM now is definitely a great time to do so!
Learn how to reduce your Health and Dental expenses AND reduce costs on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and even more at (NOT insurance).

To learn about Julie Klein and how you can be successful in network marketing, look at the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity at  

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Has your dad suggested that you are crazy to be working a home-based business?  Has your best friend encouraged you over and over again to get a “real” job?  How about people you know who say something to the effect of “Let me know when you start making money.  I’ll join then.”  In their minds, that day will never come.

All these people mean well.  They love and care about you, but if they have never had a successful home business, they are not the people from whom you should be taking advice.

I have had new team members join my company who are excited and full of plans to build a great business.  A day or two passes, and then they tell me, “My wife told me it was a scam.  So I’m quitting.” 

If people are intelligent enough to research a business opportunity, finding nothing negative about it, why are they so quick to believe a couple people they know, because they tried it and failed or simply believe all home businesses are scams?

Don’t listen to the wrong people!  Once you find a great home-based business and determine it is reputable and strong, join it and begin following the suggestions of those who have successfully worked from home. 

There is no need to tell your friends and family that they don’t know what they’re talking about.  Just tune them out and know that they only want the best for you.  Dive into your business, build it, and they will later say, “I knew you could do it!”

Learn how to reduce your Health and Dental expenses AND reduce costs on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and even more at (NOT insurance).

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

For a Successful Network Marketing, Don’t Think Too Hard!

 We’ve all heard the term “over-thinking.”  We’re humans, and we often think about things too much.  Our over-thinking can often actually stand in the way of our success.

Of course, we don’t want to act foolishly or never think things through.  Over-thinking, however, can prevent us from doing actual work!

We all know people who constantly talk about what they plan to do, but they never get around to doing anything.  Over-thinkers have read over the company’s websites a million times and reviewed every bit of literature the company offers.  They think they must know the answer to every possible question that may come up in their business.

You definitely want to be informed of all the basics of your business, but you do NOT have to know everything there is to know before you begin working.  You should know how to navigate your websites so you can find answers when you’re asked a question.  In fact, you NEVER will know everything there is to know about your business!  Simply know how to find answers or who to contact for answers.

Those who are making money with their network marketing business are the ones who learned the basics and then got to work.  They took action almost from the day they joined. 

As we begin interacting with prospects – online or face-to-face – we learn what works and what does not.  Sure, you will likely make some mistakes, but you’ll get past them and keep striving for success.

So, don’t think too hard!  Get out there and take action!  You’ll have on-the-job training, your knowledge will grow over time – and so will your paycheck!

Learn how to reduce your Health and Dental expenses AND reduce costs on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and even more at (NOT insurance).

Monday, July 15, 2013

Who is Really to Blame for Your Lack of Success in Your Business?

Most of us have worked in at least one network marketing company prior to joining our current business. Many of you work two or more businesses right now. 

Of those who have worked with network marketing companies in the past, many, possibly most ended up quitting and moving on to another business.  The majority of those likely quit because they were not successful.  I realize that there are exceptions.  A few may have left a company, because the company itself closed up shop.  But the fact remains that most people simply quit their positions with network marketing companies.

Now, no one goes into a new business planning to be unsuccessful. In fact most are very eager and excited at first, and then the glow wears off when they realize they are not making money.  If any of you have left a company or are currently working with a business making little or no business, ask yourself, “How is it that people receive the same comp plan, market the same product using the same tools are doing well, but I am not?”

If you have tried and failed with anything, not just a business, it is always easy to blame other people for your failure.  In reality, you have to start looking at yourself to find real success in anything.  You have chosen to fail by giving up.

You can blame the company or their product, but the fact is only you are standing in the way of your success.  If you’re new and have the attitude that you’ll “just try it out,” I doubt you’ll stay on with the company.  Don’t allow friends or family lead you astray by telling you “home businesses” don’t work. The industry works.

We must each take ownership of our businesses – and our lives.  Success is based on mindset.  If we blame others for our past failures, our minds are in the past with a negative mindset.

Instead of dwelling on our past disappointments, acknowledge them, try to learn from them and then let them go!  If you cannot let go, you will simply repeat the same mistakes.  If you give your past significance, you cannot move forward.

Now we have established that blaming others does not promote success.  What is going to give you success?

·        We often talk about setting goals.  Goals, both huge ones and tiny ones, are an important part of your success.  If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?

·        Always hold yourself accountable.  There are very few excuses that can truly prevent you from working and growing your business.  You and you alone are doing so.

·        It is important to reward yourself along the way.  Celebrate small achievements. If you attain one of your smaller goals, brag about it!  Be proud of yourself and let others know so they can celebrate with you!

Your failures in life and business are only as important as you make them.  Adjust your mindset.  KNOW that you can be successful, and get ready for a much brighter future.  And finally, NEVER ALLOW YOURSELF TO GIVE UP!

Learn how to reduce your Health and Dental expenses AND reduce costs on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and even more at (NOT insurance).

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Moving is a Huge Stressor

I have heard that moving from one home to another is considered one of the most stressful things we experience.  Death in the family, divorce and financial ruin, in fact, are the only more stressful events (in developed countries) in the average person’s life.  There have actually been studies done on the subject which has proven this fact. 

In addition to the actual act of moving, in many situations, a family’s mortgage will increase; they are leaving friends and family behind; they may have to change churches or schools.  Required activities (some, fortunately online) also include submitting change of address forms for mail, home phone and cell service providers, internet providers, gas and electricity.   

Although it is necessary in many personal and professional areas of our lives, people are generally resistant to change.  Home moving, in particular, causes a huge disruption in our lives, even when we are excited and looking forward to living in the new home.  It is the act of moving and all that is required to do so that can generate apprehension, anxiety and many other emotions.  It is also physically challenging.

Since my husband and I are moving soon and are beginning to pack our house (where we have lived for 18 years), we have both become a bit anxious. There is much to do, but we must follow a sequence to stay somewhat organized. We are not even sure where we are going yet!  So, we discussed it this morning and reminded one another that yes, we will be more stressed than usual over the next few weeks, but we must not take our stress out on each other.  We seldom argue, but with current events, it would be easy to fall into a “bickering” mode. 

And so, we face the 4th most stressful event with excitement, hoping that we can keep our stress levels to a minimum.

Does anyone have a moving experience they’d like to share?

Learn how to reduce your Health and Dental expenses AND reduce costs on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and even more at (NOT insurance).

To learn about Julie Klein and how you can be successful in network marketing, look at the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity at  

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to AVOID Success

Everyone in Network Marketing makes mistakes that affect their business, particularly when we’re new to the industry.  As long as we learn from those mistakes, we can move on and continue to grow our business.  However, if a marketer makes the same mistake repeatedly, he or she likely doesn’t even know they are doing something wrong – or perhaps they believe their way is the best way, no matter what their mentor or sponsor teaches them. 

Let’s review the most common mistakes made by those working a Network Marketing business.  

I’ve heard it said that network marketing is only a numbers game.  I disagree.  While numbers matter, network marketing is more of a relationship business.  

A company I worked with a few years ago told us that each “no” we got brought us closer to a “yes.”  They actually told us to count the “no’s.”  In my opinion, this is focusing on the negative rather than striving for the positive.  When we build relationships with potential prospects, we are not trying to sell them on our business opportunity or products, so we won’t get many “no’s.”  By the way, I was unsuccessful with that company.

Never underestimate the power of relationship building.  Everyone in a reputable network marketing business is promoting a product, but people buy those products from people they like.  

Many network marketers are not sure what their “why” is.   If we don’t know why we’re in our business, we will have no incentive to be persistent.  Frequently reminding ourselves of our “why” gives us the drive to keep working and stay focused. 

Another mistake many make is Recruiting instead of Sponsoring.  It is true that, by definition, when we grow our teams we are enlisting people to work with our company; however if we do not sponsor, train and mentor them, they likely will be unsuccessful and will quit.   

Buying Leads.   Everyone should have a method in place to generate their own leads.  Let them find us.  In that way, we know they have a true interest in our business opportunity or product.     

Not following up with prospects is another thing that is a big mistake to make.  Once a lead that we generated contacts us, it is important to stay in contact with them. Even if we have already communicated with them, unless they actually stated that they do not want our product or business opportunity, follow-up with them regularly. 

Presenting ourselves as a product expert is not necessarily a good thing.  Educating our prospects is fine, but overwhelming them with lots of information about our product or opportunity can drive them away.  They may think that they have to learn too much to succeed.  We can let our websites make our presentations for us. Prospects can read what they want, when they want to do so and then ask for clarification of details.   Our prospects are much more likely to see the possibilities when they aren’t shoved in their faces.

Not taking advantage of training offered – We all need training and mentoring with our network marketing careers.  Although network marketing is not complicated, it is also not easy.  Taking advantage of any training offered by our company or upline is critical to our success. 

Lack of Focus and indecision will negatively affect our business.  If we frequently change direction or are not consistent in promoting our products and business opportunity, we will never reach our goals.   Those who frequently change companies or join every pre-launch company likely lack focus.  More often than not, it is the distributor, not the company or product they are promoting that is preventing success.

Achieving success takes patience and effort, but it can be done.  Just be sure you’re not making the mistakes I listed above.

Learn how to reduce your Health and Dental expenses AND reduce costs on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and even more at (NOT insurance).

To learn about Julie Klein and how you can be successful in network marketing, look at the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity at

Monday, July 8, 2013

Why should I blog?

Blogging improves your Search Engine Optimization, bringing more prospects to your website.  Your SEO will only improve only if you keep the content fresh.  It is necessary to add new, updated posts frequently.   If your blog site is inactive, your SEO ranking will not increase. 

Most people already use Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites.  To improve your Social Media Optimization, write and maintain a blog.  Creating relationships on social media sites can drive traffic to your website.  However, writing a blog can drive even more.

Blogs can be an important way to generate high-quality leads.  People who follow your blogs will discover that you sell a product or are offering a business opportunity.  Some of those people will ask you for information or visit your website. Some of those people may become customers or team members.   

By using keywords and phrases in your blog, it will extend the reach of your brand.   Branding both yourself and your business is important to the success of your business; by using keywords in your blogs you’ll bring more people to them, thus further promoting your brand.

Using quotes, poems or miscellaneous material from others’ websites is not against any rules, but you MUST credit the original author and website.  However, until you grow a following with your blog, it is not a good idea.  Even then, the majority of the content on your blogs should be original.    

Social media is great for brief interactions.  Blogging allows you to connect more with your friends, followers, readers and prospects in more depth.  If you’re active on social media sites, it is likely that your connections would like to know more about you.  A blog offers the opportunity to reveal more about yourself so people will begin to feel more like they “know” you.  You can include a link to your blog site in your email signature, on your Twitter bio and Facebook profile.

If you have never written a blog and don’t think you can, make a commitment to yourself to begin writing a blog this week to help you grow as business person.  No one will grade your writing or judge you.  You need not blog every day.  Once or twice a week is sufficient, particularly if your time is limited.

The benefits of blogging to you and your business go beyond those I’ve written here.  Try it, you’ll like it!

Learn how to reduce your Health and Dental expenses AND reduce costs on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and even more at (NOT insurance).

To learn about Julie Klein and how you can be successful in network marketing, look at the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity at

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Importance of Social Media Marketing

If it works for them, no one should stop marketing in the “traditional” ways.  However, for those who are not yet doing so, the following statistics show how important social media marketing has become over the past few years.  Since you are reading this, you obviously visit social networking sites.  If you are not yet using social network marketing, I must ask, why not? 

I have been using social media marketing for a couple years, but still, I was surprised by these figures.  Compiled from a variety of websites, you will see a list of stats below regarding marketing via social networking sites.  These statistics were gleaned from websites of Experian, HubSpot, Socialbakers, Syncapse, Compete, Twitter, American Express, Ipsos, and Nielsen.

·        On Facebook, 85% of fans of brands recommend them to others, compared to 60% of average users.
·        Of all the time spent on the internet in the U.S., 27% of that time is spent on social networking sites.
·        Among marketers, 74% say Facebook is an important source of their lead generation.
·        48% of women and 43% of men regularly check out a brand's social page.
·        Trade shows, telemarketing, direct mail and PPC’s produce about half the number of leads as social network marketing.
·        In 2013, 43% of all marketers have found a customer via LinkedIn; 52% of all marketers acquired a customer through Facebook; and 36% of all marketers found a customer through Twitter.
·        U.S. mobile internet time spent on social networking sites accounts for about 15% of the total time spent.
·        The conversion rate for social media leads are 13% higher than the average lead conversion rate.
·        When making a purchase decision, about 46% of online users refer to social media.
·        Brand posts on Facebook get half of their reach within 30 minutes of being posted.  

Learn how to reduce your Health and Dental expenses AND reduce costs on Hearing, Vision, Prescriptions, Roadside Assistance, Lifelock™ and even more at (NOT insurance).

To learn about Julie Klein and how you can be successful in network marketing, look at the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity at